Staying at home doing my homework. I do Teacher Space's homework. It wasn't that hard after all. The hard one is Teacher Shy's homework. I plan to go out to buy fork and spoon as Teacher Shy needed it to do our project. But end up staying at home as I see the weather is about to rain soon. Boon Xin called me on 7:16pm but i fail to answer as my phone keep on appearing "not avaible" on the screen when I press answer. I wonder what happen to my phone actually. I called Boon Xin back. I can feel like he is still angry with me. His attitude toward me feel like want to kill me. Hello! If I can forget what happen on last Thursday why can't you forget it. After argue about 10minutes, he cut of my phone. I really dind't know why. Is it I make him more angry so he cut of my phone. He nudge me in msn. He say that he didn't angry but I can feel like he still very angry with me. I asked him some question but he end up dind't want to asnwer me at all. I know it he still angry with me.

Wake up in the afternoon and straight start to do my Adobe Illustrator homework. PS came my house to use my computer. This CHIA BOON XIN saying many hurting word toward in msn and I got more frustrated when I got a call from him. He say see me in school make him so hate me. HELLO ! Did I ask him to like me or what. He also say only in msn will talk with me but if at school see my face as he say see my don't want study face make him hate me. He also mention about yesterday when Teacher Shy asking everyone to go in front to see some picture and I didn't feel like seing it. HELLO ! Who is the one who stand so in front and if tall please at least let people who is short stand in front but he didn't. He is the one who block me and Shu Qi see the picture. know so tall why didn't stand back a bit. Then still blame me and say that when Teacher Shy call me then only I see. HELLO ! When Teacher Shy call me only this CHIA BOON XIN stand aside. I really got veyr frustrated when he saying this thign toward me. Gosh if Mr Tey call he won't ask we all to go in front but he is the one who will take the picture and go all student's place to show the picture. He keep on insulting me and saying many thing that I didn't like to hear about it but I just pretend that I didn't got mad. But actually I was very mad and sad about what he say toward me. He say I'm the one who make Shu Qi late pass up all the assignment. Well I didn't know if I'm the one who causes her being like this but seriously I also didn't want it to happen too. Did I the one who causes Shu Qi like this? Can anybody tell me "YES" or "NO"! I really got very upset about what happen toward me. Well maybe my life was born to be BLAME by other people in my whole life. Maybe is a swear from my other life times. I really sad living in this world actually. Why can't anybody just understand me. See I smile and laugh always doesn't mean that I happy. Actually my heart was full with sadness and hurtless with what people say toward me. I didn't know what will happen to me if this thing continues. WHY! WHY! WHY!