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Arrive at school about 12:20pm. When went into the class everyone has already start doing their work. Gosh ! Straight do my work. That is use 6B pencil and colour it onto the glossy paper that we print out yesterday. It was a waste I think as I waste RM5 for printing picture into glossy paper and end up colour all black beside the picture. Gosh! RM5 just fly away. I promise myself that I must do all my best in this term an finish my homework faster than other in the class as last term everyone look down on me. Teacher JJ asked me why I was late for today class and why always arrive at school together with Shu Qi. Feel so no mood ans depress while in Teacher JJ class. I really have no mood today. I didn't talk to Mandy, Boon Xin and Yee Siang today. I didn't know why just dind't know how to start chatting with them since what happen on 08-09-2009. Eden was try to tell me that not to use my own masking tape as my masking tape were too sticky but that Yee Siang tell her "no need to talk to a person like me". Gosh ! HELLO ! Eden was talking to me not you ok! Don't think like you know everything. Yee Siang brough wrong colur pencil. Teacher JJ say buy colour pencil which is cost RM2 above but maybe he though buying cheap price would save his money more but end up being told by teacher to buy again. He have to buy again as he buy RM1 colour pencil but teacher want is RM2 above. Haha... Though of saving money but end up have to pay double. The above picture was choosen by Mr Be to do my first project for his homework. To me this is the most easy one I ever choose as always I choose the hard one and end up pass up late but this time I want to choose the easy one. This picture is recommend by Shu Qi as I want to draw more easy thing so I seek for her help. Boon Xin, Eden and Simon went home first. I end up very angry when I go back class seing the class-room is empty. Gosh ! Hate me till go home quickly so won't see my face I know. I wonder if this year really really bad luck for me. I lead my life with many people's criticism and hate toward me. If can my another life I would want to be a very very normal little girl who have nothing to do with the people in the world. Teacher Space asked me if they still want to change the time and this week which day they want. I really got no mood when she asked me as because of this problem I argue with other people. The people who cause this trouble out is this SIM YEE SIANG. Stupid ass make this trouble out. Go to Kotaraya after school to buy clorox and ENO as tomorrow in Donald class need to use it.
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