This is the vote as Yee Siang want all people to make. I wasn't very like his atitude very much. I know all is my fault but I really didn't want to change the time as it really make me frustrated and causes all the argueing trouble.
This is the mini pot that I and Boon Xin order. We order two as we both so hungry. It actually cost Rm5.50 but inclusing tax so all total is RM6.30. To me is cheaper that B1 Landmark. This mini pot to me not so delicous. I didn't know maybe I wasn't that hungry so don't feel it so delicous. Yee Siang asked Eden to ask me whether can they change Teacher Space's class from Thursday to Friday. I really got very frustrated when I know it was him again who made out trouble. Go back about 5:30pm as Boon Xin say his bus will reach about that time. Gosh! I eat with rush again. Why can't I enjoy my eat for once. Haiz......
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