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Janice Jia Fang, 31/07/1991, Leo, 27 years old, short hair, medium body size, not very fair hair just medium, 151cm/54.8kg. I'm a girl who like to play basketball very much. Ambition to be a teacher.
I was Hoping To Get My Black Belt Before I 30 Years Old =I Just Pass My Belt From Brown 1 To Brown 2 =After Finishing Studying My Form 5 I Wish To Go To Singapore And Continue My Study =Subject That I Would Like To Study At Singapore Is ICT =If Got Any New Korean Drama Please Let Me Know Ok =If Got Any Pc Fair In Singapore Or JB Please Inform Me.
I was wake up by the thunder and rain in the afternoon. This recently weather is very damn hot until I have to bath 6 time a days. Well I already bath 6 time a day during I lead my life in PLKN. But luckly today got rain or not it really going to be damn hot weather again. Well even I switch on two fan also no use at all. Hope it will rain for few days more so I won't feel very hot at home. Today rain is like raining cat and dogs. Tham Mei Jing called me in the afternoon. I was very shoke when she called me. I went to Landmark to let the people check out my pc got any problem a not. It lag in the afternoon. My 6t uncle fetch me go there. Well I can't use WIndow Live Messenger to online this recently. I got very angry with this problem even I uninstall the window live messeger the result also the same can't online. Well I take my cpu to IT Store. The chinese boy in the shop look familiar but didn't know at where I see him before. Well he figure out my problem in the msn that is I got hacker hack into my e-mail so I can't online and he told me to change my password. After changing the password, I can use it already but it happen again when I online only few minute at home. Till now I still didn't know what should I do to online my msn. Got very frustrated with it. Well I open a live.com e-mail to check wheather I can online using other account a not and it can only online once. When I sign out and wna tto sign in again it already can't sign in the live.com e-mail. I wondering what happen actually. Can anybody tll me what happen actually. Very DAMN SHIT !
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SINGAPORE: An email is going around warning about an impending earthquake and tsunami hitting parts of Asia, including Singapore. It claims that disaster will strike on July 22, the same day as a solar eclipse. The email says that apart from Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, the giant wave may also hit countries as far as Japan, Australia and India. But the credibility of the email is questionable. For one, it is riddled with spelling errors, and two, it does not cite any credible source. While it is true that a solar eclipse will occur on July 22, experts said there is no connection between an eclipse and an earthquake. Professor Kerry Sieh, director, Earth Observatory of Singapore, said: "In the last 110 years or so, there have been about 85 really big earthquakes — 8 (on the Richter magnitude scale) or greater. And only two of those occurred on the same day as an eclipse. And even those were a partial eclipse, not a total eclipse. They happened in a different place from where the eclipse happened." While the professor does not think the email holds water, he warns that research does show that parts of Asia facing the Pacific Ocean could be hit by a tsunami. He said the impact on Singapore will be minimal, but not so for cities further up north. "It turns out that by the time the wave produced by the underwater disturbance got to Singapore, it would be only about a metre high. But in Macau and Hong Kong, it would about 10 to 15 metres high," said Professor Sieh. He said more work needs to be done to determine if the fault lines along the Pacific Ocean floor will break in such a way that could see a repeat of the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. On July 22, those in Singapore can see a partial eclipse, beginning at about 8.40am till about 9.40am.
While I just received this message from my friends. I don’t know the source of the message; I also don’t know the credibility of the content, but just beware. Below is the content on the message:
“Hello there. I just wanted 2 let you know that please stay away from the beaches all around in the month of July. There is a prediction that there will be another tsunami hitting on July 22nd. It is also when there will be sun eclipse. Predicted that it is going 2 be really bad and countries like Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak), Singapore, Maldives, Australia, Mauritius, Si Lanka, India, Indonesia, Philippines are going 2 be badly hit. Please try and stay away from the beaches in July. Better 2 be safe than sorry. Please pass the word around. Please also pray for all beings.”
For today morning I went to Taman Pelangi pasar pagi to buy breakfast and some vegetable to cook. While in the evening I went to Omega there to fetch my neighbour home from school.
You Are a Traditionalist |
You seek stability - both in your career and your romantic relationship. In return, you're very loyal and predictable. Which is usually a good thing. Without a partner, you feel lost. Being with someone is very important to you. Your strength: Your dependability Your weakness: You hate being alone Your power color: Midnight blue Your power symbol: Shell Your power month: April |