Raining Day !

I was wake up by the thunder and rain in the afternoon. This recently weather is very damn hot until I have to bath 6 time a days. Well I already bath 6 time a day during I lead my life in PLKN. But luckly today got rain or not it really going to be damn hot weather again. Well even I switch on two fan also no use at all. Hope it will rain for few days more so I won't feel very hot at home. Today rain is like raining cat and dogs. Tham Mei Jing called me in the afternoon. I was very shoke when she called me. I went to Landmark to let the people check out my pc got any problem a not. It lag in the afternoon. My 6t uncle fetch me go there. Well I can't use WIndow Live Messenger to online this recently. I got very angry with this problem even I uninstall the window live messeger the result also the same can't online. Well I take my cpu to IT Store. The chinese boy in the shop look familiar but didn't know at where I see him before. Well he figure out my problem in the msn that is I got hacker hack into my e-mail so I can't online and he told me to change my password. After changing the password, I can use it already but it happen again when I online only few minute at home. Till now I still didn't know what should I do to online my msn. Got very frustrated with it. Well I open a live.com e-mail to check wheather I can online using other account a not and it can only online once. When I sign out and wna tto sign in again it already can't sign in the live.com e-mail. I wondering what happen actually. Can anybody tll me what happen actually. Very DAMN SHIT !
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