Hokkien SPM Exam Paper !
Hokkien Exam Paper
Instruction :
1. Read the passage carefully.
2. Grade yourself with the grading system at the end of the passage after reading.
3. Not that difficult, chin chai do lah!
Section A : Orrler Exeminetion (60 marks)
Question :
Singalella why become rich ?
Koo zhar wu chee ay char bor kia, Singalella.
She got two sisters, but the stepmarder and the sisters all damn kuai-lan, so she quite zhia-lat oso.
Last time Singalella got own maid, but now she become the amah.
Everyday must cook lah, clean lah, simi sai mah bao-kah-liao.
If her sister say liak kar zhuak, she liak.
Tak jit zho kah tau-hin. EPF poon boh.
But then, kay piak eh ah-pek got one son call Ah Ming got party.
So he say, 'oeh, long chong lai ah.'
Singalella very happy because she never go party before but then her step-marder say, 'Lee Mana eh-sai kee, this one bahru lu eh sisters wu standard.'
Then Singalella must zho sui-sui for her sisters and step-marder.
Tap pai how, buay zhia, buay koon and buay pang-sai.
That night she only can wave bye bye and then she go back to the kitchen and cook Maggi mee.
Her neighbour came over and ask, 'Eh, an-zhua lu boh kee party?'
So Singaalella kong, 'I-wan, lau-bu kong buay-sai, so boh pian.'
She never expect but the neighbour say, 'Aiyah, kee lah, I give you money.'
So singalella brush teef and zhang-zhui, chen-kor, after that look very different.
She quickly run to opposite of the beh-chia-lor, already 11 o'clock.
At the party, Ah Ming also quite sian because the char bor all boh sui one.
Dance floor even got one ah pek dancing.
Just as Ah Ming told himself, 'Aiyah see-pay zhia-lat', Singalella came in.
Ah Ming straight away lau nuar.
'Wah-lau eh, see-pay heng ah, chee kor buay pai.'
Ah Ming say to Singalella, 'eh, sui eh, wah ai kah lee zho flen!'
Singalella say ok but Ah Ming like octopus, touch here touch there.
But then just it was 12 o'clock, one ah pek die on the dance floor.
He become ghost and tell Singalella all the good 4D number.
So after that Singalella quickly go and buy 4D, and then tiok tau-pio, zhit-pak ban.
So she pay back the kay-piak eh lau-kay-poh and then kah kee cho sen-lee.
Simi kuan eh sen-lee wah mana eh zhai.
Section B : Grade ~ Gauge Your Command Of Hokkien...
A1. Can understand the story and pronounce Hokkien correctly.
Hokkien eh sai, bo beh zao.
A2. Can understand half story and/or cannot pronounce Hokkien properly.
Zhia lat
E8. Don't understand story and/or catch no ball.
Leow leow, mai ka lang kong you is Hokkien Singabolean
F9. Don't understand rating.
Kee see lah, wah mana eh zhai lee kong simi?
I went out in the afternoon as I follow my neighbour go to Amway office to take some stock and guess who I meet at there. I meet up Johnny from 5pd. Well he was a member of Amway and he was at there to take his stock. He asked for my phone number and say that if free he call and asked me out for a cup of coffee and also talk about this Amway thing. Well to me, I already know many thing about this Amway because my neighbour was doing this Amway business. Well I chat a lot with Johnny at there. Well what I know is his malay in SPM fail. For now he was selling Amway t earn money. I wondering why so many people joining this Amway is it a very good. I still thinking should I join this Amway too. Not to forget to fetch Pei Ying and Pei Sze home from school. While on the way to fetch Pei Sze, I saw there were a fire engine near by the Maybank at the city. Well many people don't know what happen actually. But what I saw is there were two fire engine and another fire engine car. Above is the picture I took when I was at there. Went out again in the evening to buy some dishes for dinner and also fetch Pei Xuan home from school at Omega. I saw Xue Wen but luckly he dind't recognise me at all.
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