Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2008
CB Class,
Today is New Year's Eve. Our 1st eating session is pataya rice, boiled egg and coffee. Cikgu Kiss say everyday we have to change the leader group as teacher want everyone to feel how it feel when being a leader in a group. Those malay boys want me to be the leader but I didn't want it. I refuse many time but they still want me to be the leader then all of the sudden Tan Ting Yee say he willing to be the leader of the group. I wasn't very like him as he is a very noisy guy and can't stop talking. This make thing worst when he say he willing to become the group leader. Those people in my group though he like me and would like to help me as I didn't want to be the group leader. As I didn't know any people in this class so I keep quite the whole day in the class and my face like very in moody. Those malay guys asked me to smile but I just can't smile. Teacher told us all to write our nickname in a piece of paper. When teacher say give the modul book to everyone in the group the Tan Ting Yee quickly pass my book to me and not to forget also the magic pen. He didn't pass other people's book to them but only me. I feel very uneasy with his every action. I become more hate him. 2nd eating session is peanut bun. 3rd eating session is chicken with sambal, kangkong, fried tampe and guava. 4th is chocolate bun but I didn't eat it as I went to take bath because I caught in hot rain. I caught hot rain is because Cikgu Yatim bring us all the Charlie company to visit the whole camp Desaru. 5th is redang fish, bean sprout soup and two small piece of bean curd. 6th is barley porridge. They keep our handphone today. I wasn't very upset at all as I seldom play handphone. The whole dorm pretend to be sleeping as we all have surprise for Chai Koh Sin in the midnight. Well we have our preparation for her birthday. Her birthday is on 01Jan.

My 1st eating session is mee siam, boiled egg, bread and tea. For me it quite boring as I have CB class today. The CB class start at 9:00am but we have to line up at 8:30am. The meaning of CB is Character Building. All is about ourself, to understand more about ourself and to be more brave to face problem. I was choosen to study in CB2 class. Our form teacher is Cikgu Balqis and Cikgu Asahar. We all call Cikgu Balqis's name is Cikgu Kiss. She was so cute while Cikgu Asahar are a nice teacher. Teacher say everyone say one number starting 1 to 6. I was number 6 and was asked to join in those group who is also number 6. In my group have 12 people including me all total is 6boys and 6 girls. Boy is 4malay and 2chinese while girl is 4malay,1chinese and 1indian. I hate Tan Ting Yee from my group. He keep on wacthing me and that make me very frustrated. He is a very noisy guy. In this class I have to use my nickname as I didn't want any people to know my chinese name or they will laught at my name. Our slogan group name is "Dari Hati Untuk Semua, Semboy!" and our group name is "Perpaduan". It quite fun but as long as this Ting Yee was in my group it make me frustrated and no mood to learn anything. Hoping teacher will help me keep anyway from him. Our activity in the class today is "bongo-bongo, singing slogan group name & taking our new modul 1 book. Slogan for our Cikgu Asahar is when Cikgu Asahar shout "Cikgu Asahar" we have to answer "Cikgu Handsome". While "Perhatian" we have to answer "Khidmat Negara". We had our 2nd eating session at 10:30am, it was only cheese buns and a justea aloe vera that Mei Fong treat me. Then we continue our CB class at 11:00am. We finish our class at 12:30pm and straight continue my 3rd eating session that is fish with curry, kailan vegetable and keropok. About 2:30pm we all went to a place where it near the beach and we have our meeting AJK at there. Belle got sick after drinking the water cooler at the canteen. While our 4th eating session is strawberry with coffee drink but the coffee taste is a bit weird. While our 5th eating session is chicken wing curry, bean sprout soup and salted fish with orange juice. Lastly the 6th eating session is cendol with coconut milk.
Posted on Monday, December 29, 2008
I sleep at 2:30am as I wasn't use to it yet. I was waken up by Lala at 5:30am. Breakfast at 7:30am is Mee Goreng, boiled egg and bread but because too many people were line up eating so I have to wait and I only go half a bit of the bee hoon goreng and half of the bread. Althought is little only but I enjoy eating it very much. I didn't got the chance to eat the 2nd eating session as our Charlie company were busying trying our new cloth. 3rd eating session is chicken curry and petola vegetables. I wash my cloth at 1:30pm. 4th eating session is corn bun and tea. 5th eating session is fish with sauce, anchovy fish with peanut sambal, cabbage soup and pear. 6th eating session is green bean soup. the taste of the soup it like ginger. I nearly fall of from the bed as at home I sleep on the floor. Melanie cry and I dind't know what to do.
Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2008
My father wake me up at 7:00am as I need to prepare before going to NS. I start my journey at 8:00am and arrive the the Larkin stadium about 8:30am. I meet up Kiwi and she gave me some souviner that she brought from China. She give me three souviner. I gave her birthday present too. Well actually Mei Fong had already sitting in the bus waiting for me. I sit with Mei Fong while Chooi Wen sit in front of me. Andrew Choo got chicken pox so he didn't came to NS. Justin Goh, David Loke, Yong Siew Chu, Lim Jia Min and Lim Shu Rong came to Larkin Stadium to send us. Ming Fang also came to send Mei Fong and me. Mei Fong cry a lot today. After a while before we left the teacher came to told us to change our seat that is girl is on the right and boy is on the left. Total people in our bus is 41. I fall asleep after half an hour journey to my camp. Mei Fong got flu it was so bad as she have to go to NS with her flu. Departure from the stadium is at 10:30am. The teacher who is in our bus is Cikgu Zai the fat one. What I remember is David tell that my blog viewer is only 909 people. I make some new friends too in my company dorm and some other from Delta company that is Melanie and Yee Shean. They study in SMK Convent but I only meet Melanie before because she tuition at Omega tuition centre. Girl which I know from my dorm first is Aleen then is Ika but I use to call her "Mei Mei" as she was so beautiful. Then on my left hand side bad is Bella and on right is Miera. Miera bring a big pink teddy bear to hug when she want to sleep at night. She say she won't mind waking me up if I over sleep. She was so kind. The teacher told us to wake up early as tomorrow we were going to have our breakfast at 7:30am. We have three eating session today. First is at 3:00pm we eat kuning fried fish, salted fish and cabbage. Second is 6:30pm which is chicken kicap pepper and vegetables and lastly is 10:30pm that is "Pulut Hitam". The light in our dorm must be close at 11:00pm. I all this thing in my diary book. I feel very boring when I wrote it in my diary book so I do all together that is message friends, listening to MP3 and writing diary. Kwi Ching say to me that their handphone will be keep starting tomorrow. The most important thing is that outside our dorm have many monkey appear as the jungle was next to our dorm. Their butt is red colour. Tomorrow I will be getting my cloth from the logistic centre. One malay boy was caught by teacher as he tell his mother that he is sick and ill. They introduced all the teacher and coach name. I see some of the coach were very handsome. Especially the polisman coach name is Mr Ridzuan. He have muscle and to me is the most handsome coach. I went to see our eating session time table. I got very surprise as 1days we have 6time of eating session. 1st eating session is at 7:30am, 2nd is at 10:30am, 3rd is at 12:30pm, 4th is at 4:30pm, 5th is at 6:30pm and lastly 6th is at 10:30pm.
Posted on Saturday, December 27, 2008
Today is my last day posting this blog as I going to NS starting tomorrow. While I was having my NS, David will help me to look after my thing as he already promise to help me so. I hope he won't break his promise. Luckily David remain me to bring pail to my NS as I need it to wash my cloth. Thank to him that I got bring. I went to Singapore to buy the thing I need to bring to NS. I buy new digital watch, towel and some other thing. I went to Focus Point to make my new spectacle. I wonder if it do look very nice. But there is one thing I would like to say about is that I wonder why David didn't wish me like my friends wish me before I go to NS. Like Shadow he told me to take care, Kok Yi Sheng wishes me Good Luck and Choo Pei Pei wishes me having fun when I were there.
Posted on Friday, December 26, 2008
At Channel 8TV
Starting 26 December 2008
Monday - Friday
8.30pm - 9.30pm Song Na Yeong wants many babies with her new husband; Jeong Seong Min. Seong Min has always been close friends with Han Soo Hyeon, Choi Kwang Hee, and Na Hwang Kyeong Tae. He likes to have them over at his house and have boys' night. Song Na Yeong mentions that she didn't marry one husband but four. Anyhow, Song Na Yeong tries very hard to have a baby, but due to Jeong Seong Min, they are unable to have children. Therefore, Jeong Seong Min decides to ask him three friends to donate their sperm. They were reluctant, but in the end, they decided to eat healthy and do good things to give their sperm and born a good baby. Thanks to the donation, Song Na Yeong was able to give birth to a daughter; however, her husband dies in a car crash, and she is forced to work, raise her baby, and pay her father's debts. Unable to find a job with her baby along, she eventually loses her home too. Meanwhile after some time, she finds a new spark with another man, Jeong Chan Yeong, who doesn't know that she is a widow. Not everything will go smoothly in her love life, because she will have a love rival, Park Seo Yeon.
For me I already buy this Korean Drama at Singapore. It was a very nice drama. I enjoy this drama is because it very funny and my favourite artist were in it that is Jae Hee who act rolling as Choi Kwang Hee.
Posted on Monday, December 22, 2008
I was wondering what had happen to David as I already long time didn't chat with him. I realise that even sometime he online also didn't chat with me. I wonder if I got make him angry. If got I here want to apologise to him. As I already left 6 Days before I go to NS so I hope to chat with my friends more often.

I went to Pc fair again to buy thing for my computer. I went there is also because I want to help John Soong buy something.I help John to buy a microphone. While I buy MP3, Headset with microphone, Sony memory card stick pro duo, few small cable and charger for my MP3. I went to my ex-Taekwondo junior there to buy a 4GB MP3 that only cost RM69. Well until now I really can't remember that junior name. After so many year already I really already forget his name. I also got to know a guy and girl when I was buying MP3 from my junior. This guy name is Yao Wei. He was so friendly, funny and also a people who like to joking around. Actually I quite pity with him as he only sell two MP5 while my junior already sell six MP5 and two MP3. He asked me to buy MP5 from him but I dind't want as I already buy MP3. He also give me his handphone number. Well his look a bit like Teng Zhi Xian which is my tuition classmates for two years. I meet up with Twang Jing Shun. He was discussing what thing to buy with his father. About 6:00pm when I was about to go home I see Dennis Tan, Raymond Seah, Sim Cher Chong, Kang Kai Xiong and other from our school were just coming to visit Pc Fair. I wasn't surprise as Dennis Tan were working at there also but at second floor. If got time I will post what I brought today.

My parent and I go to Pc Fair again but this time they say they want to buy thing and not wait until Sunday only buy. I meet up with Kong Zheng Wei and Raymond Seah also at the same place. I didn't like Raymond as he always like to acts cool. I also meet up with Ah Leong which is my tuition classmates in Mr Chua's add math tuition class in Omega. He was dating with two girls. Well maybe he didn't recognise me as although we tuition in the same class but we didn't talk much as he always like to join his best friends that is Ah Lee And Ah Lai. I also meet up with Johnny. He look more handsome and gentle didn't same like the person I know in school. I chat a lot of thing with him. I also got his handphone number. When I asked what his name he told me his name Johnny and it make me burst of with laught as I always call John Soong, Johnny. After I went to Pc Fair, I knew why David can online this few days it was because his brother now work at the Persada Johor Convention Centre as a promoter for Toyo Tires. I see him eating at KFC with Adrian Teoh Wei Xiang, Jaisharn and also another people which I didn't know. I meet up with my ex-Taekwondo senior that is Chew Jin Yuan. I also meet up with Nursolihin my tuition classmates. I knew him for already two year and he help me a lot when I need some help. Actually I was scare by his as he was about to touch my hand to call me when I dind't notice him.

I was call by my mother to wake up early as we are going to follow our neighbour to go to Pc Fair. Before going to Pc Fair we went to library where it located near the Convert school there. After returning those book that my neighbour lend we wen to Convert school to buy Pei Ying's exercise book for next year. We arrive at Persada Johor about 12:00pm. I meet up with Lee Zhong Zheng that is Lee Ming Fang's big brother. I also meet up with my form3 junior. I forget his name already as it already long time didn't see him. He was promoting MP5. Well I was thinking about buying MP5 as it only cost RM199 for 4GB. My mother told me that she and father already planning to buy HP desktop next year as the price might drop a bit. My mother say that she want to buy MP3 for me as she didn't want me to bring my MP4 go to NS. What I know is that at the Pc Fair Convention Centre was full of many people. Although at there already got air condition but to me it still very hot as there were full of many people who come to visit this Pc Fair. Actually I was planning to call David out but I think he might having his tuition at Omega so I decided not to call him out. After coming back with my neighbour I decided to go City Square again because before I go home I see many people carrying the perfect world bag and also some other online game. I got even more frustrated when I can't find the promoton paper that I get from Singapore last friday. I actually wanted to scan it to my computer but when I realise that I can't find it so I got very very frustrated. I feel very bored so I decided to scan and upload some promotion paper that I get from Pc Fair Convention Centre. Hope those who already see it please give me some comment about it. Thank you.
Posted on Thursday, December 18, 2008
For me tomorrow is a very good day as Pc Fair is going to held at Persada Johor. Still the same for today as I still feeling very moody and sad. As you can see on my blog the gadget below writen "What Does My Birth Date Mean?" it is very true as I hate being alone but I didn't express it out. Without a partner, I feel lost. Being with someone is very important to me. I just didn't want to talk it out as I don't want people to think that I'm a very pity girl and writing this is to hope people to pity on me. If I have any problem to me is to keep in my heart and take all the cost of the pain by myself. So the most painful thing for me is acting nothing happen and the smile on my face. So don't think in my face I smile and very happy but actually my heart is very pain. What my friends say very hurting word I will keep it in my heart and won't express it out. For those who talking with friends also should think before talking as it may hurt your friend's feeling. At home I would listen some sad korean song to cheer up myself. Well I hate somebody that thought they know everything and don't accept other people's help. They thought they were to smart enough and didn't like to help those who is very weak or poor in anything. Please at least help other people you may learn something. Like my tuition teacher say when you go tuition at least you learn 60% from the teacher and the less of 30% is when you teach people how to solve it. Don't always think about yourself only. If those who is very selfish please think of it properly.I wonder why this kind of werid people is born. Please think if you were having some big problem who mind helping you when they need problem you didn't help them also. So don't be to selfish. At least teach the knowledge you gain to other people. Well my mood actually still very bad although my cute Taekwondo junior already cheer me up. I won't like to talk about many thing else since that kind of bad thing happen toward me. To this secret only two of my other friends know.
Posted on Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Still feeling very moody and didn't want to talk much about what happen. I follow my neighbour go out. While my mother and my neighbour went out to buy their thing, I, Pei Ying and Pei Xuan were inside the car playing "Big 2.5". Then I hang out my time playing at their house and also eating their mother own made chinese new year cake and biscuit. When is was about 4:20pm my mother and Aunty Alice went out to take their second daughter from the tuition centre. While they were out, I, Pei Ying and Pei Xuan went down to play our favourite game that is playing badminton. Pei Xuan want to play with Pei YIng so I play badminton with their aunty. It more fun playing badminton with their aunty than playing with Pei YIng and Pei Xuan.
Posted on Tuesday, December 16, 2008
For me today is a quite boring day so I fill my time with watching Card Captor Sakura at I enjoy this anime very much as I collect many of their thing.
Posted on Monday, December 15, 2008
Today somebody make me very frustrated with him. Well I didn't want to mention his name as I didn't want anybody to know it was him. I didn't know how to talk with him as when he talk he didn't use his brain to think first. He taught he is very smart. Well sometime he should think that if the thing he know doesn't mean that everybody know. I hope he will change his attitude toward people. I also didn't like some people that I didn't know much to call me in phone. I realise that I talking to David not more than half an hour already waste my RM11 something. I realise that is I was using 013 to call David it maybe more cheaper.
Posted on Sunday, December 14, 2008
I'm going to Singapore again. I was waiting for the new Singapore Kastam to open. The Kastam will open on 16 December 2008 that is on next Tuesday. I wonder why David were very scary this morning. I know he is very angry but is it because of me. If I make him angry I here would like to apologise to him. I went to the same place again to check whether the thing I want to buy had already come new stock a not.
Posted on Saturday, December 13, 2008
I get very sad today as my Digi Happy sim card was expired and the number was already taken by other people when I asked the Digi Happy people to help me figure it out how to return to me. He told that my number was taken by other people already as I already expired about 3month. I still very puzzle why David know I was crying today. How he know it. I still want to know how he know I was crying today. Then I went to City Square for a walk before going to Singapore. I see U-Mobile making some promotion. I buy a new sim card. I went to Singapore again as my father yesterday told me that the Jurong Point just reopen another new shopping. I was hoping to buy a new game for my PSP as those two game I brought is not quite very fun only the "Dragon Atria" is a bit fun as it like adventure. When I was about going home I saw one thing very interesting and it look quite nice so I decided to buy it for David's birthday present next year as I never give him any birthday present before. As I was about to finish chosen the present that I want to give to David the sale girl told me that the thing I want have finish and the stock new stock will only arrive next wednesday. I was very frustrated as I waste my one hour time choosing the best present for David and the sale girl told me that the stock already finish. After thinking a long time I decided to buy David's present next Wednesday as I really like the present that I choose for David. I didn't know David will like it a not but I hope David will like it when he saw it. But the problem is when shall I give it to him. Maybe I should give it to him on his next year birthday and hope he wouldn't mind my present it not very nice. One thing is that when I arrive at home it was already 11:30pm. I only start eating my dinner at 12:30am. Well for today i sleep very late it about 2:00am only I go to sleep.
Posted on Friday, December 12, 2008
This is my new brought PSP yesterday. Is it look nice. I actually though of calling David out but since when I called him he was having his tuition so I decide to cancel it off. I follow my neighbour going out. Actually I was thinking as my mother can follow my neighbour going out while I can go out with David but since David was very busy with his tuition so I decide to cancel it off. Actually I was a bit free today as for other day I going to busy preparing my NS thing by going to Singapore buying the thing I wanted to use during NS.One more thing that is I feel very sorry toward David as he was having his tuition and I had called him during his tuition time. So for today I waste my time by playing with my new brought PSP and going out with my neighbour. Well I think I don't have time on other day so I think I won't be able to go out anymore maybe have to wait until David finish his SPM only we can go hang out together. Tomorrow I going to Singapore again as now the Jurong Point just reopen new one I hope to go there have a see. If got chance I would like to ask David to hang out with me at Singapore. I can't believe that Redzuan called me at midnight. I really didn't feel like chatting with him as I feel like chatting with Davidmore good.
Posted on Thursday, December 11, 2008
I went to Singapore today early in the morning. After thinking the whole night, I decide not to buy the X-Peria as David told me not to buy it. If I shouldn't not buy the X-Peria then which handphone should I buy. I still have to buy one as I was signing contract with M1 line. I hope David can tell me as he know many thing about handphone. Or maybe I should buy another C905. I guess David Won't know what I just brought today at Singapore. I buy a new PSP. Well actually I was thinking to buy C905 but after thinking about what David say I decide to buy PSP first then buy handphone on next week. My PSP's colour is light green. Actually to me this colour is quite nice only but I more like black as it look very cool.
Posted on Wednesday, December 10, 2008
For today it very boring for me as I keep on staying at home for the whole day. I actually was thinking to ask David out but after thinking he maybe tuition or busying study for his SPM next year so I decide not to call him. My father say that is tomorrow I wake up early maybe he will take me to Singapore to buy the Sony Ericsson X-Peria. I was very happy to hear that.
Posted on Tuesday, December 09, 2008
"I'm Sorry David".
I feel very sorry to David as I didn't change my handphone number to 016 because of my handphone no money and also no battery accept my K800I handphone. Hope he won't angry with it. I really very sorry about it David. Also because of my new handphone my mother didn't want to give me use it. My father left it at home as I already told my father that I want tp use it but my mother keep it in one place so that I can't use it. Well my father already promise me to let me use it but how can my mother do this to me. Well this handphone is my father brought it so he has the right to do the decision not my mother. I got very angry with her so much that she treat me this ways. I know what David will say to me. He will say "your mother do all this thing is for your own good". But please David I very very frustrated already when my mother always treat me like this. You didn't know why I sometime feel moody it because that I have many thing that I frustrated about and I only keep it inside my heart. There were nobody I can talk to or somebody that I can talk during I have problem or sad thing happen to me. Sometime I just feel very lonely. I didn't want to talk about it as people will say I try to act pity. You won't understand David. It very hard to lead a life like mine. Maybe one day you will understand me, I hope. I hope you will forgive me about that day how I treat you. I really in a very bad mood so please understand me and forgive me David. "I'm very SORRY David for that day". Well when I writing this post, my tear come out as I'm really very sad so please understand me and don't said that I want somebody to pity on me. Until now I still wondering how David know that I wasn't telling the true about I not angry with him. Yesterday he keep on asking me to tell the true to him but I was wondering how he know that I wasn't telling the true. he didn't see my face but how he know I wasn't telling the true. Hope he can tell me how he knew it. Maybe what he say is right maybe I just want to go Redbox or not why I wasn't in so angry but I didn't feel like going in before although I haven't go in the Redbox or Neway. Until now I still didn't know why I wasn't so angry with him that day.