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Posted on Tuesday, December 09, 2008
"I'm Sorry David".
I feel very sorry to David as I didn't change my handphone number to 016 because of my handphone no money and also no battery accept my K800I handphone. Hope he won't angry with it. I really very sorry about it David. Also because of my new handphone my mother didn't want to give me use it. My father left it at home as I already told my father that I want tp use it but my mother keep it in one place so that I can't use it. Well my father already promise me to let me use it but how can my mother do this to me. Well this handphone is my father brought it so he has the right to do the decision not my mother. I got very angry with her so much that she treat me this ways. I know what David will say to me. He will say "your mother do all this thing is for your own good". But please David I very very frustrated already when my mother always treat me like this. You didn't know why I sometime feel moody it because that I have many thing that I frustrated about and I only keep it inside my heart. There were nobody I can talk to or somebody that I can talk during I have problem or sad thing happen to me. Sometime I just feel very lonely. I didn't want to talk about it as people will say I try to act pity. You won't understand David. It very hard to lead a life like mine. Maybe one day you will understand me, I hope. I hope you will forgive me about that day how I treat you. I really in a very bad mood so please understand me and forgive me David. "I'm very SORRY David for that day". Well when I writing this post, my tear come out as I'm really very sad so please understand me and don't said that I want somebody to pity on me. Until now I still wondering how David know that I wasn't telling the true about I not angry with him. Yesterday he keep on asking me to tell the true to him but I was wondering how he know that I wasn't telling the true. he didn't see my face but how he know I wasn't telling the true. Hope he can tell me how he knew it. Maybe what he say is right maybe I just want to go Redbox or not why I wasn't in so angry but I didn't feel like going in before although I haven't go in the Redbox or Neway. Until now I still didn't know why I wasn't so angry with him that day.
no need to felt bad for the 016 lah... pls lah, although the hp is ur papa brought de, ur mom also got the right to hide the hp as they already married means their financial status is kongsi 50-50 de... so de hp also can considered 50% of ur mom one... anyway, my old word as u mentioned "your mother do all this thing is for your own good"!!!. regarding to the angry moments, ok lah but i didn't like the attitude toward me when u're in that angry period... i hope it'll not last longer and perhaps it'll only happen once a year, that's all.... I knew why u lie to me on that day is bcos, ur respond is quite un-normal than before.... and i knew u about 3 years liao leh... In addition, feel free to talk to me the reason when u wanna say.. By the way, the pics u put ok lohh... nothing special...
Maybe what you say is right... So the old word I mention wasn't wrong right... I know what you going to say... You didn't see I angry before??? Or not why didn't like my attitude when I was in angry period??? Not only happen once a year it happen many time in one month... Hello do you mean I quite un-normal that day??? So you know me for so long already??? What you mean feel free to talk to you the reason I want to say??? Hello!!! You just say the picture I put only ok??? Nothing special??? Hello!!! I find it very hard you know??? All you can say is ok only and nothing special???
Esther: ya i didn't see u angry... the u MC a lot in a month... haha... yaya un-normal...ya i noe u so long liao... if u wanna talk the reason u angry the simply ask me... ok loh, nothing special bout the pics... the ko.. and not very special loh....
The problem is you didn't see my face but how you know that I was angry and I wasn't telling you the true??? What MC a lot in a month??? How un-normal I'm??? What you mean if I want talk the reason I angry the simply ask you??? I find the picture so hard hard and the only thing you say is ok also nothing even not very special!!! You english a bit broken so I very hard to understand what you talking about... Please explain in detail... Thank...