Well Luckly I Already Graduate ^_^

I actually though of calling David out but since when I called him he was having his tuition so I decide to cancel it off. I follow my neighbour going out. Actually I was thinking as my mother can follow my neighbour going out while I can go out with David but since David was very busy with his tuition so I decide to cancel it off. Actually I was a bit free today as for other day I going to busy preparing my NS thing by going to Singapore buying the thing I wanted to use during NS.One more thing that is I feel very sorry toward David as he was having his tuition and I had called him during his tuition time. So for today I waste my time by playing with my new brought PSP and going out with my neighbour. Well I think I don't have time on other day so I think I won't be able to go out anymore maybe have to wait until David finish his SPM only we can go hang out together. Tomorrow I going to Singapore again as now the Jurong Point just reopen new one I hope to go there have a see. If got chance I would like to ask David to hang out with me at Singapore. I can't believe that Redzuan called me at midnight. I really didn't feel like chatting with him as I feel like chatting with Davidmore good.
Can u use a camera and take the photo of urs psp instead using the web image source...