As you know today is my 17 years old birthday. I arrive as usual time. I thought when I arrive at school, David will be the first one who wishes me happy birthday but unfortunately he only wishes me when it was resec time. Haiz... But The first one who wishes me happy birthday is Maurice. As Teepan also same birthdya with me, Jaisharn were planing to "Cameron Highland" him. I think maybe David didn't know what is "Cameron Highland" is. I actually didn't feel like going to school but my mother keep on bothering me when I was sleeping so I have no choice to wake up and go to school. I didn't enjoy my birthday at all. I didn't feel like today is my birthday. Ming fang and Ping Wei didn't wish me happy birthday at all. Nothing special today. To me is was my first ever sad birthday I had. But is already enough to me that got many grandchildren and some little friends wishes me "Happy Birthday". But until now I feel like I still sort of something but I didn't know what. Maybe I just want more friends to wishes me happy birthday. When my class boy were "Cameron Highland" Teepan, Pn Gan Siew Lin passes by and she told all the boys not to go out or into the class as she already she what they do to Teepan. She thought the whole class was bullying Teepan and try to make a fight. The thing end up with Pn Gan calling Hoh Kah Bao, Jaisharn and Teepan to go to the office. I saw Dennis Tan's grandmother that is also David's grandmother. I see her talking to someone but didn't know who is it. I was very pity with her as she was alone and didn't have any grandchildren to company talk. I feel that she like being abandon by their family. Fianlly tomorrow is PC Fair. I have been wait this day to come for so long. But I was very worry that saturday and sunday I couldn't go to see PC Fair because I was going to Southern College. I think there would be more fun than going to PC Fair.

I arrive at Omega about 8:00am. I saw Yong Chian and Shuhairi were chatting at the stairs case there. I see Yee Siang already sitting in the class already. I quickly put my bag and straight on my way to office. I tell Jocelyn about I going out from the class about 8:45am. I went out from the class about 8:50am. I went back to Omega about 10:30am. I arrive at tuition center about 10:40am. I didn’t late at all infect I just in time to tuition my Bahasa Malaysia subject. I sit behind Wei Yang. He chat a lot with me today. I actually can’t understand what he talking to me about but I just pretend to know all what he is talking about. He give me his Msn too. When I was on my way to Kerry, I see Wei En standing there alone waiting people to fetch him go home. He say to me “Already finish Taekwondo?”. I got surprise that he talk to me. So I talk to him a lot. He is a very weird person that I can’t understand him at all. He didn’t answer what I ask him but when I answer what I ask him, he would just knok him head. I went to Kerry for a walk. I feel it was quite very boring as I was alone at Kerry. I went to Kerry with Michael and Michelle. Michael went to cut his hair at Stage. While I and Michelle were at 1st floor seing Foon Yew Super ShowTime. Michelle told there got a board that put one pink bra. I saw that bra but I wonder the bra is for who and who they support boys or girls. Then when I, Michelle and Michael were on the ways to bus stop, we saw Maurice and Jaisharn. Michelle told them to go to City Square meet at there. Maurice told me that he is going back home 1st to change his shoes. We all went to Summer to fill up our tummy. About few minutes later, Paul arrive to meet us up. Then after chatting with Paul for so long then Maurice and Jaisharn appear. Then we went to walk about 5KM only, Michelle told us that she is going back home. Then we all went to level 1 to go home but unfortunately we meet up with Jason and Kah Bao. Then I, Maurice, Jaisharn, Jason and Kah Bao went to Mc Donald to buy ice-cream to eat but I didn’t eat because I scare I will get fat if I eat too much. The we all went to walk and stand at a corner of some shop. We were chatting at there. Then after a few minutes we went to find Jia Min, Siew Chu, Shu Rong, Hui Ling, Sia Yong and Another from 5SN3 guys. We all went to shopping at FOS. I see many thing that I like very much. I hope I can receive it on my birthday but I know it is possible. Then Siew Chu and Jason went home together. After a while at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng, Kah Bao decide to go home. After my mother come and find me I decide to go home too. I went home about 7:00pm. I know it was very late already but I still didn’t feel like going home. I was very frustrated with my family member, I mean my family. When they lose me in something they will keep my thing like computer or televisyen or other that very important to me. I wonder why they so officially. They make my very hate them much. What they promise to me didn’t make it. Like they say if I finish doing my thing they will take the modem and let me play with it. What I know is that they lie to me. They say another other word. I was full of anger in my heart. I was hoping no to be in this house. I hope to have my own freedom. I wonder when I can get my freedom at once. Can anybody just understand me. I feel very frustrated with my life. I wonder why I was born in this world. My MP4 got stuck today all is my parent’s fault. I won’t believe what my parent says anymore. What they promise me they didn’t do it as they already promise. I didn’t want to believe any people from now on. I feel that I always being lie by people. Why people were different. I can’t understand them at all.
Posted on Saturday, July 26, 2008
I arrive school as usual time. I was very tired and sleppy as yesterday I went to sleep about 12:30am. I chat with David when I arrive in school. We have a long chat. I always gain a lot of knowledge from him. After finidh chatting with David, I straight went back to my class but before that I chat with Jocelyn. She told me that she was very tired and didn't feel like coming to school today. After that when I went back to class I realise that I made a wrong decision that is coming to school today. When it wa about 8:10am, I, Jing Yu, Yong Teck, Kuo Wei and Soo Ken was planning to climb out from gate D but When soo Ken realise he can went throught the hold, he went back to class to study science. The first people who climb out from school gate is Kuo Wei. Second is Yong Teck and lastly is Jing Yu. When I was already half climb over the gate, I got scare that my school uniform may be thorn so I told them I will go out through gate A. I saw Kwi Ching, Fish, YIt Xian, Zoe Zon and Colin was at Taman playing basketball. After those three already climb over the school gate, they went to join Kwi Ching there all.
I was surprise to see Andy Goh appear at Omega tuition centre. I went to Taekwondo gym about 7:30pm. As it was very late so I ask my uncle to fetch me go to the gym. I saw Mr Ong was at the gym too. He was training his own "Taeguk". I see many of those white belt and poom belt were playing shuffle. It was quite fun to play shuffle. Louis Teo dind't play shuffle like those people. I went back about 9:00pm. When I arrive at home it already 9:15pm. It was very late already as I still online to wait for Nicky to send me some Hokkien song.
Posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008
My uncle today forget to take his handphone so he put me at the traffic light near our school. I was actually very lazy to walk to school but what to do my uncle had forget to bring his handphone. But the whether is not bad. I can feel the wind blow was very cool. When it was resec time, I company Kwi Ching and the new student that transfers from Melaka school Yit Xian go to canteen for breakfast. I was avoiding Andy Goh those group of people because I got some misunderstanding gossip that happen between me and those group of guys during I play basketball with them. I was very scare to meet them at school. When I was about taking my Math test, Joanne come to my class and find me. I got an small arguement between her and me because a misunderstanding again. I was sad because many misunderstand thing happen to me. Can somebody bless me with good wishes so I won't being misunderstand by other people. Nobody understand how I feel. I didn't feel like going home after school as I was hoping to go play basketball at the Taman but my mother just won't let me go to play basketball. I was very sad with it. I got a very bad new that is my grand aunt passes away yesterday. I was very sad after hearing the new from my uncle. When I use to be a small child my grand aunt always say me is a forgetfull person because I always forget where I have put my thing. She only 89 years old by now. I wonder if I have to go to her mourner ceremony. I think I should go to pay my last repects to her. I very scare to go as I scare thing like ghost althought I like to read ghost stories book very much. As David asked me who is the XXX guy who like to see girls toilet. I already catch the guy's picture long time ago and already post in my blog long time ago. I know David is a smart guys so let him think and guess first then only I tell him who is it. I wonder why he so interested to know who is that guys who like to see girls toilet. I really very surprise when I know that my Add Math got 16 marks because after I study so long finally I got something back that is my mark for my Add Math get better than last time. I was happy I got improve in my Add Math subject. I think if David were me, he will also very surprise with his own marks. I wonder what he will say after seeing what I write. I feel happy for his that he finally pass his KILLER Subject that had kill him very much. I wonder what he mean by "maybe got Add Math for the exercise one". I hope he will explain to me what he mean. My birthday is coming soon. Starts count down from today still a week to go before my birthday. I wonder David will wish me Happy Birthday a not on that day.
Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Arrive at school as usual time. I was very tired and sleepy as yesterday I went to sleep very late. I try to force myself to read the history book so that I can answer the history exam later. I only know to do half of the history test paper cause it was very damn hard to answer but luckly at least I got read or not maybe I will pass up blank paper to Pn Joo our history subject teacher. When resec time I went to Koperasi to fotocopy my account formula. While waiting for my fotocopy, I chat with Li De, Wei Pann, Jamie, Elainne and Jin Rou. They told me that my taekwondo junior that is Shi Xiang is a very dangerous guy because he like to see girl toilet and if got chance he will take risk to go and touch those girl. He was very famous when he study primary school. I went to check out with Mr Heng to see whther he already finishing marking our Add Math exam paper. I was very scare when I was finding my test paper. I realise my result was better than I thought. I get 8 mark. After mutiply I get 16 marks. I can't belive my eyes that I get 16 marks. I was very happy with my Add Math results. I wonder if David got pass his Add Math test as he was very seriouly studying his Add Math subject. I go back to class very late. Teacher give out paper very early. I feel even worst when I was taking my account test. Actually got something bad and sad thing happen during I was taking my account test. I didn't dare to post it out. So sorry for those reader that I can't post it out. Hence when I was taking my english test, I realise that I only know 30% from the paper. I think this test I will fail many subject althought I already read and revision my book. When I was on the way out from school gate I not accidently ambushes Yi Sheng. I take CT1 bus with him. I just realise that he was using N73 handphone as what I know he use the same handphone with me that is K800I. I realise Yi Sheng really got read my blog or not how he know that I got write about him in my blog. I wonder if he did see Arther with PH picture that I post in my blog. Today this uncle bus was very funny because he forget to open the back door as people already rang the bus bell but he just forget to open the back door. I went down at City Square as the bus didn't go back to my house. I was playing online game the whole day as there were nothing for me to do so. I rather wasting my time to play basketball than playing online game. Haiz... When was my mother going to let me to play basketball. Haiz... Today 8TV is going to pulish new korean drama that is "Surgeon Bong Dal Hee". It was not bad after I watch first episode. I learn many thing from this korean drama. Those who want to become a doctor can watch it because it say many thing about type of medicine, cure patient and operation those patient who is seriously injure. Below is the "Surgeon Bong Dal Hee" wallpapers. 
Posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I arrive at school as usual time. I sit down and revision my own book. Actually I was very sleppy as yesterday I went to sleep about 12:00am. I was very tired until i can't even open my own eyes. Hui Ching teach me how to do Add Math question. When doing my Add Math test I got into sleep for a few time. I got fright when Kazuki told me that I, Her, Joanne and Miss Vincent was at PH's best friends list. I really feel like vomit when I hear it. Yuck... I think I can't even feel like eat dinner later. I skip my Morals class as I was not having Chinese test. Jin Qian, Chee Cheng and other member of Koperasi bully me at Koperasi. Jin Qian thought I misunderstand him so he keep on making my hair because people who just wake up early in the morning. I think my hair was like a crazy at that time. Haha... When I went back to class I realise that Mr Heng already given out test paper and he told me to go find Morals paper for myself as it already finish given. I was quite mad actually. The Morals test start at 12:00pm but Mr Heng start at 11:50am. I wonder why he start so early as the time have start yet. I went to many classes to find extra Morals paper. I got very angry as I was the only one who have't got the Morals paper. Funally I get back my MP4 back after repairing about 3months. I went to Landmark by my uncle's car. It was rainy day when I was on my way back home. After Hui Ching post comment for me then only I know that it was brainless Sze Hou took my Morals test paper. Hui Ching couldn't help me when brainless Sze Hou took my exam paper. How could he took people's paper without asking. He is such a rude person. Finally Kazuki got blog already. When I see Kazuki's blog I ver like it because it got many Japan anime. I mean in her friendster also got many Japan anime even in her blog also got. I wonder how she did it until her friendster and blog look so perfectly. If got chance I want her to teach me how she make her friendster and blog so beautiful. My birthday is coming soon. I hope I can get many comment or wishes from friends. I chat with YI Sheng in msn but he was kind of tired so I didn't chat much with him. Haiz......
Posted on Monday, July 21, 2008
I was sleeping when Pn Balwinder was talking speech at the hall. I very tired today. I wonder why teacher all of the sudden spot check all the girl to seize our thing that can't bring to school. Luckly my MP3 didn't teacher didn't seize it. I saw Marcus Tan, Daniel Wong and Andy Goh was at the form 2 toilet there wasting time chatting at there. I just pretend didn't see them. I went to see Teriyaki's friendster profile and I saw that my friendster was't at his friendster featured friends. Haiz... Tomorrow I have Add Math and Morals exam. I didn't read book at all. I feel very tired to read book so I waste my time by playing online game. Anyway I hope I won't fail my add math exam again. I wonder why this few day many people keep on saying hurting people heart to me. My heart was very hurt this few days but they just didn't know it. I feel like a sword was stabbed through my heart. What they say toward me is very outragerous. What they say toward me make me suffer a lot because I keep on blaming myself for what everything happen. I try to control myself to cool down not to get angry with them but they just...... I feel like want to die because many people keep on saying word that hurt my heart very much. I just pretend that I won't mind but actually I already want to cry but I try to prevent my tear from droping. I sometime even hope that I didn't exist in this world. Teriyaki say many hurting word to me. I feel like he had change a lot. He is not same as last time when I know him. He keep on saying me..... I wonder what I have done until he say such kind of word toward me. I won't want to lose another friends like him but I think he start to hate me. I wonder what had happen to him actually.
Posted on Sunday, July 20, 2008
I arrive at tuition centre about 8:10am. I sit in front of Yee Siang and read my history book as my second exam start this tuesday. Zhi Xian and Wei En come into the class-room together. I wonder if Zhi Xian is really very handsome or not why those malay girl same class with us like him very much. When I was about to go to toilet Mr Chua won't let me go because he only allow two people to go toilet at once. I stare at him when he came into the class-room. He asked me why. I say to him because of him I can't go to toilet. He told me he is a guy and I am a girl no same. I think he can't understand what I trying to say. Wei Liang say to me "Yo check it out man". I answer him not man is woman. He just smile . I went to Kerry Popular and read Singapore True Ghost Stories. I read about three story because it was quite very long story. I was nearly about to sleep when I was tuition in Singapore english subject. I feel very tired and sleepy. I think I must take a good rest for few days. I went to Kerry to see wedding fashion show. Below are those picture which I taken down during the wedding promo tour. This picture was taken during the Wedding Promo Tour at Kerry. 
Posted on Saturday, July 19, 2008
I arrive very late to school. I partner with Jessica. Luckly PH didn't came to school today or not I will die because she is a very frusrating people. When people was training she would stand beside us and say "Jia You" for us. She is very annoying and disturbing those who training Taekwondo. I hope she will not come forever. I feel very tired and headache as yesterday I went to gym to take my Taekwondo trial upgrading test. Luckly I pass it or not today I have to go one more time for the test. Desmond and Shi Xiang didn't turn up at thr training. Desmond didn't want to go to training while Shi Xiang stomach hurt very badly. Bao Xuan, Joshua, Girl, John, Ros and Syuhaidah go for the Teakwondo test. Maurice told me something that I think is very correct. He told me something that he told him friends late time that is "To give up hope is a Choice, But to live On when it seems there is no hope is to to triumph over Life". Its means if you dont let live make u sad or angry, then you have succeeded in life. I think what he say is correct. I went to my neighbour house about 5:30pm i came back home about 7:30pm after trying to solve their computer problem. I wonder why recently the internet got many problem. I sometime even wait for half an hour just to open a website.
Today Hui Ming got came to school as I thought she didn't want to come to school. We went to canteeen eat together. I see Teriayaki sitting alone at there eating his.... I can see he not enought eating because I see him went to buy two more hotdog and put it in his pocket. I ran away from my calss tambahan science. I didn't want to skip class but I have Taekwondod test so I ran away. I hope my name won't be called out on monday. I scare being cane by Mr Hakim again. I today having Taekwondo test. I hope I can pass it.
I was very depress today. I feel that I am a stranger in this class. I didn't deserve to be in this class. Everybody have their best friends to talk to in class but I didn't have one. I feel very sad when seing other have friends to talk to and solve their problem. I didn't have anyone. To me this world is meaningless and life also meaningless to me now. I didn't care about people's looking toward me. I didn't feel like talking, chatting or even thinking about love or other thing. I didn't feel sleepy at all now. I think I need physiotherapist doctor to hear all my problem and help me to solve it. I think my life is very worst. I didn't have a mood to think of anything good. I only think of how my classmate treat me. I feel like I was treat like a dog.
Posted on Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Luckly my name still haven't called by Mr Hakim about skipping class on japanese people came to visit our school. Maybe is Teriyaki's wishes make it didn't happen for me to be cane by Mr Hakim. Finally Hui Min came to school today. I saw Peter Tay was saying something to Steven Hon when they was standing at the from 2 boys toilet. I wonder what Peter Tay have told Steven Hon. I play basketball at school's baskatball court. I same group with Siew Chu, Jia Min, Fiona and other people form 5SN3 because Hui Ching told me to go to their group. I now that they didn't like me to same group with them because I maybe will cause them lose the game. I didn't mind it. I was very happy to smae with those people who know how to play like Fiona, Jia Min and Siew Chu. I feel that this world is meaningless to me. I just can't stand about the people in this world. Kwi Ching told me to tell her about my feeling and why very people dislike me. I didn't dare to tell her because if I tell they will think I want them to pity me. Actually I didn't want people to hate me but I just idnd't know why they keep on insulting me everyday and saying the same word everyday that is discussting. I didn't do anything wrong but why they do such a bad attitude toward me. Why I wasn't treated like other people deserve to. I jsut can't understand why. I didn't feel like going to Kuala Lumpur with them. I think them asking me to go with them together is because they need to use me if they didn't enought people to get the cheapes price. Everyday I go to school with a fake smile on my face. I didn't want my classmates people to laught at me saying that I am offended person. I saw Teriyaki and Su Ann walking to Giant. I went back home with my uncle's car. I see my near my house got few people doing construction work. I wonder if they were going to build house or opening party or maybe Pasar Malam. Below is the picture of the construction work. 
Kelvin Siah told me that yesterday they make Edward Lam cry in the class. I really didn't like my classmate people. They only call me when they need me to help them. I feel very upset with it. I didn't say anything althought they keep on insulting, bully and scolding me. I just try to smile at them like nothing hurt me at all. I see Marcus Tan, Daniel Wong, Andy Goh, Peter Tay, Steven Hon and Wei Liang. I fail my Taekwondo trial upgrading test. I was very hoping that I could pass it so I can upgrade to brown2. I have to go to test again on this friday. Jessica also fail her Taekwondo test.
Posted on Monday, July 14, 2008
Today didn't have any assembly at the hall. I feel very happy about it. Our science teacher Pn Siti Hajar already transfer to Negeri Seremban so the whole class today didn't study science subject. Our new science teacher is Cik Norliza Surip. It was relief by Pn Sheela and Pa teacher. I was using that time to finish my 30 essays that Pn Fatdillah have told me to do. While I was doing my essays, I see some of my classmates were sleeping and many of them were chatting with friends. I was in the class sitting lonely beside the door. I see them chat happily. I know that they hate me so didn't want to chat with me. I feel very lonely, despressed, frustrated, sad and nobody to chat with. I can't understand why I can still stand over this suffering world. Sometime I even hope to go to a world where I will not feel very lonely and despressed. Why can't anybody just try to understand me more. I everydays being scold and bully by people especially my classmates althought I didn't do anything wrong but just sitting beside our class-room door. I was very sad today but try to smile althought it very hard for me to smile. The whole class say me very discusting but I just smile at them pretend that I didn't get hurt in my heart. I was very sad and despress actually. But I just didn't know how to tell people about it and I just keep it all in my heart. I hope I can tell Bro everything about it. But I know Bro will say me very boring and noob Fang. Shall I tell Bro??? Haiz... When account subject I see Mahdthann Kumaar being bully by Kah Bao and Jaisharn. I feel very sorry and pity for him. He was bitten by Jaisharn and Kah Bao as he didn't follow what Jaisharn told him to do so. Kah Bao take video of Jaisharn bitting Mathann. Why they always like to bully people that are very innocent. Althought I know is their habit to bully him as they always bully me in the other ways too. Why can't they just stop this bad habit. Until now I still haven't decide whether I shall follow my classmates to tour around Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Genting when we finished our SPM. It cost me very much about RM600. I didn't know shall I go with them a not. If I go I scare they will abandon me. Today didn't have Pasar Malam. I went to Southern City Giant and after that I straight went to Foon Yew 1 to pick up my cousin home form school. My house area got people came to spray mosquito because of someone got the mosquito disease. Jeremy from 3UIA add me in friendster. I got surprise when seing his profile. He is such a annoying person that always like to take people picture secretly. Tomorrow I'm going to gym to train and take my Taekwondo test. I really hope that I can pass my trial upgrading test so that I can go to my upgrading test. I really hope to get my brown 2 belt very soon so before I finish my study I can get my black belt. Wish me luck...
I got this Batman when I bought one box of Koko Krunch. It actually got 4 stunt figurine but my mother only allow me to buy one box. Haiz......
This picture is after they spray. We can't even see thing very clearly. This picture is when they was spraying the mosquito. Unless we can see it clear a bit clear after they finish spraying a while.
Posted on Sunday, July 13, 2008
I arrive at tuition centre about 8:10am. I see Patrick, Praveen Noir and another two more guys which same classes with me were sitting at the "Mamak Kopitiam" eating their breakfast. I straight lay down my head to get so sleep. Mr Chua told the whole class that I was sleeping. He also asked me what time I sleep yesterday. I told him I only went to sleep about 1:00am. He was surprise to hear my answer. Zhi Xian didn't came to tuition today. One boy form Omega come very late about 9:50am. I went to buy 2 packs of Pocky biscuits. It ocst me about RM3. When I went into my BM class, I see Wei Liang see my biscuit but I just pretend didn't see him sitting next to me at all. After a while eating then only I treat him and his girlfriend. They eat happily. While Calvin and his girlfriend came in very late. I also ask whether his girlfriend want to eat my biscuits too. justin came very late today. Our BM tuition subject was seeing movie of "Hang Tuah And Hang Jebat". It was quite very old movie but it was very funny until the whole class laughting non-stop. Calvin trying to make fun of teacher's microphone when Mr Rosland went to toilet. He trying to imitate Mr Rosland's voice. The whole class laughting and very enjoy it too. It was very funny too. He also point a ok sign to see whether I already finishing copy the worksheet a not. When teacher return he got fright and surprise. I see Wei Liang and Justin chat a lot today. I went to Kerry but Paul Lee didn't see me passes by. Maybe he didn't recognise his cousin at all. Haiz... I saw Yi Sheng and Vincent Hooi too. They talk to me in the Counter Strikes shop. I saw the guy who same Singapore english class with me. He is such a annoying person. I dislike him very much. I didn't have Mr Chua's 3:30pm classes because he got important bussiness to do. I went o Kerry to wait for Hui Lynn to came take her thing. While waiting for her arrival, I was seeing some toys car race. It was kind of very interesting seeing those people play those car very seriously. This picture was taken during those car were racing.
I talk with Teriyaki in Msn but he kind of very funny and noob because he didn't understand what I was talking about. I was hoping that I could go to Taman tomorrow to play basketball with Ekay those group but my mother won't let me to stay back. Haiz...... Very sad.

I done one mistakes during my selfdefence performance. But my jumping front kick was very successful. I didn't know whether Teriyaki got came to school a not today. I was hoping that he could come so he could see my last performance for this year. But I think he didn't came. Ming Wei got a big chocolates bear while I get the small yellow colour bear. I saw a little cute boy's face look like Jing Shun and Alex Chin face but Alex Chin told me that the little boy is Kai Yao's little brother. Then I just realise that the little boy name is Theng Kai Liang, it is really that is was Kai Yao's little brother. I see two boys was playing basketball but I didn't dare to go play with them because I didn't know them well but I was only hoping to play basketball match with Marcus Tan's group. I went to PBSM's stall and buy egg burger and one cup of cincau drink. I got a chance to lucky draw but unfortunately I didn't get one. I but the second time when Alex ask me to buy his burger. This time I buy fish and egg burger. He help me to draw a pieces of paper and he help me got one small teddy bear. He choose yellow colour for me. I was very happy that I got one teddy bear. This picture is the teddy bear that Alex Chin help me to got it. Wasn't it very nice...... I was very thankful for him to help me get this bear. Kai Yao also got one teddy bear too when he draw the colour paper out. .JPG)
I saw Marcus Tan, Andy Goh, Daniel Wong and Edmund were on their way to Giant while Daniel Wong was holding his basketball. I didn't know they got play basketball today.

I was very scare to go to school today because Mr Hakim will be caning me today as I skip two class and didn't pass up my homework on tuesday. But I have no choice to go to school as my mother want me to go. I was luckly as my name wasn't called by Mr Hakim today. I think my name will be called neither on monday or wednesday. Today I got many unhappy thing that keep running on my mind. Our PJK subject today was to weigh our weight. I was scare to weight because I was hoping that I didn't get fat at all. Teacher told me that I was 54KG. I got fright as I was actually only 50KG but for now already 54KG as on diet always. I was very sad that I fat about 4KG. I hope to slimmer down my wight body until 45KG. I think I saw Teriyaki at 5Sn2 classes but maybe I aws thinking tooo much as I just wake up from my sleep in my class. While I was standing behind the hall, I see Suann and Teriyaki was passes by. As Teriyaki asked me that It is I will write it down on my blog what he eat and at where. I answer him yes but unfortunately I didn't know what he was eating in his hand as I was eating wonton mee. As he say I will write it all down about what he say to me when he passes by. I would like to see how his face look as he was reading my blog. They went to Taman play swing. I was planing to climb out from the gate but I fail to climb because when I was about to climb all of the sudden rain fall. I have no choice to call Desmond and Shi Xiang to came out from his class so that we can continue our selfdefence practice. After rain start to stop already I went to the gate to see whether Ekay was at the Taman a not so that I can call him to climb back to school to teach us training. I see there were many people playing basketball at the Taman including Teriyaki, Steven Hon, Edmund and other that I can't recognise at all. I was planing to climb over the gate and play with them but I was too tired to climb over the gate so I didn't climb it. I got injure in my right palm hand while my left hand got injure at the bone when I was training with Shi Xiang. He is such a brainless people that didn't know about safety thing. Until now my hand still very pain. I feel very sad about not playing basketball today. Before I went home I went to find Desmond and Shi Xiang to told them that tomorrow we were going to training at the Taman about 12:00pm. I went home about 4:30pm. I only arive at home about 6:10pm because of the traffic jam at City Square. Teriyaki called me "Noob Fang". How can he called me noob althought I am noob it really hurt my feeling.

I wake up very late today about 10:00am. I quickly take my bath and went to City Square to support my classmates who take part in "Super ShowTime". I arrive at City Square about 11:20am. I quickly went to tell Hui Ching that I will come back after I finishing tuition at 1:45pm. Then I quickly went to take bus to go to Omega tuition centre. I arrive at tuition centre about 11:35am. When I oepn my class-room door, I got frighted by Wei Liang who is saying "Hai" to me very loudly. When he was saying hai the whole class turn to look at me and I got embrass. I sit with Siti Ros while Wei Liang was sitting next to Siti Ros. After a while Justin come into the class. I hear Justin saying to Wei Liang that he was going to City Square. When we all about going out the class-room, Calvin talk to me and I asked him whether he is going to City Square later. He asked me why and I told him that I was going to support my friends for the "Super ShowTime". He told me if I treat him go he will go. After Justin hear what I told and asked him, he straight asking me what is my friend's name. I asnwered him is Kwi Ching and I straight went up to Omega office to go to toilet to washed my hand. After that I straight ran down and follow Justin, Calvin and Calvin's girlfriend. I took the same buses with them but they sat behind me. We all got off at the Kastam bus stop. While getting of the bus Justin asked me which school is my friend. I told him is SMK Sri Tebrau. He asked me who is Kwi Ching's another partner singer. I told him is a girl and he told me that of course he know. I hear Justin calling Calvin and told him that Kwi Ching is a girl not a guy. I feel like laughting about it. I asked Justin which school is he. He told me that he is from English College. Justin have a very quite nice looking like Wei Liang and Calvin. When I was about to went into City Square, Justin told me to walk slowly and goodbye. Then I straight ran to level 1 and continue my support toward Kwi Ching. I take the board with Kwi Ching's name and go to in front to shout for her name. I see the new student came to support her too. I saw Patrick Tee buying Seoson bread about 2:40pm. He was wearing a orange t-shit who support a guy that name is Wei Song. We only know the results about 6:20pm. Kwi Ching got into the final round. I was happy for her. I only went home about 7:00pm. I shat with teriyaki at Msn today. He told me that he was touched by my blog that I wrote yesterday. He also told me that he feel like crying after seeing my blog because it was so touching. I asked him if he willing to become my Big Brother and he asnwered me that is ok I be his little sister. I was touched by his answer. I told him that tomorrow I will be cane by Mr Hakim adn he wished me luck and if my hand pain go find him too. I was glad to know him but if he is my real brother I would be more happy but unfortunately it wasn't as I wished.

Today our school got japanese people is coming to visit. They only arrive after we wait for a several hour. They arrive at our school about 9:40am. I skip my Morals, Add Math class. Althought I know that I will be cane by displin teacher if I skip class but I have no choice to skip those class because I was hoping to see those japanese people who came to visit our school. Pn Fam Yoke Ling wrote my name, Hui Min, Jason and Chyi Earn. While add math, Mr Heng wrote my name, Hui Min and Chyi Earn. I was very angry with those teacher but what to do we have studying in selfish school. After finishing my science subject class, Alex Chin called me and asking me whether want to join him go to ICT room. While I was think whther go or not to go, I saw Yong Liang and chat with him alot about our Taekwondo club thing. I already very frustrated with this club but what to do I am the Vice President Of The Taekwondo Club. After chatting finish with Yong Liang, I follow Alex Chin and his friends go to Taman. I and Alex were playing basketball while Alex's friends go home. After playing for a short time, I and Alex Chin decide to go back to school to check out whether the ICT room got open a not. After we know that it didn't open at all. I quickly went out from school gate A and straight went to Taman. When I was on my way, I saw Raymond and I called him. I was asking him whether he got see those guys who usually playing basketball at the Taman and he answer me just in front of me while he was crossing the road to the other side. I walk behind Teriyaki, Steven Hon, Andy Goh and Peter Tay. After arrive at the Taman I saw Teriyaki straight open the thing that he just pack for his lunch and straight he sat down and eat at there. Teriyaki say many hurting word to me today. Haiz... Nobody understand how I feel. He thought I was lying to him. He won't believe what I say. I was very sad that he didn't believe me at all. Teriyaki told me not to pull his t-shirt anymore or not I will lose one more friends. I didn't scare at first because in class all the people are not my friends. They dind't treat me as a friends before althought they didn't tell me but I know it actually. I can't understand why they keep on saying me and Steven Hon. Ekay was asking me whether I was going to City Square a not tomorrow. He told me that he is going to City Square tomorrow to support his friends. I wonder he is going to support who. Tomorrow Kwi Ching is going to the "Super Showtime" competition. She already went into the semi-final. I hope she can win it till the end of the competition. 
Today arrive at school as usually. I saw Arther already wearing the Taekwondo uniform came to school. Althought he didn't feel any embrass but I can feel it. I didn't even dare to talk to him. I dind't go into my class-room because I got raptai Taekwondo performance to do. I wonder if Teriyaki were coming to the hall to see my performance. I went up to the hall stage to perform my Taekwondo. I think I was very nervous enough to do all the performance until I done all the performance mistakely. I feel very embrass about what I have done at the hall stage. I only know that I do the most thing that look good enough is my kicking board that is jumping front kick. Teriyaki didn't came to play basketball today. I went back to school about 3:50pm. I went home to wash my hair then after that I straight went to pasar malam. After buying many thing at the pasar malam alreaedy I went to Foon Yew 1 to pick my cousin back from school.
Posted on Sunday, July 06, 2008
I arrive at Omega tuition centre about 8:30am. Luckly I arrive just in time. I sat in front of Siow Yee Siang. When it was about time to go home, I see Yee Siang was talking to Shawn between the window. When I went out of the class, Shawn came to talk to me. It was the first time he talk to me. I thought I was going to strike lottery. I went to Kerry about 12:50pm. It was raining when I was on my way to Kerry. I was thinking about to go to Popular when hui Yeng called me and asking where I was.

Actually today I suppose to arrive at school about 8:00am but I wake up late about 7:40am. I quickly take bath and ran go to school to practice our Taekwondo performance. I thought I was going to be very late but when I called Desmond he told me that he already wake up but now he have to wait for Shi Xiang to came to his house. I arrive at school about 9:00am. I saw Desmond, Shi Xiang, Dickson, Arther and Gash have already waiting at the Taman Koperasi. That Stupid Brainless Arther forget to bring those stick cane to practice the Taekwondo performance. He have to went back home all along to bring those stick cane to school. He is very wasting my time waiting him to go back to take the stick cane. I chat with Teriyaki in Msn today. I know much more about his thing. Actually he is a pity people who always being bully by his girl classmates. I didn't know why he didn't bully those girl back but only letting those girl bully him and hitting him. I was happy that he put me as his featured friends in his friendster. Teriyaki gave me Steven Hon's Msn add. I add Steven and luckly he just accpet me without asking who I am. Teriyaki too early already.
I was hoping to play basketball today but the group of 4ICT didn't came to play. But when I was training I saw Alvin Tan and Marcus tan was on the way coming to Taman. That Alvin Tan, I only can say that he is deaf as he was listening to his song. I argue with Arther when I throw the cane stick to him. I was very frustrated with him. He is such a selfish person that many people can't understand what is he think about. I feel very sleepy when I was tuition my science subject. Mr Yip called me to wake up. I chat with Teriyaki in Msn.

I went to hall today because we all got assembly. I heard many people name were called out to cane by Mr Hakim because they have done something that against the school rule.
Early in the morning I was cane by Mr Hakim that is our displin teacher at the basketball court. I can't believe it when I was cane by Mr Hakim. It very hurt and very pain until I cry because I can't take the pain. I went to computer lab with Ming Fang and Ping Wei. I went to computer room today but it quite very boring cause the teacher keep blocking those website that we all want to go into. I, Ming Soon and Alex Chin were inside the room doing our thind like seeing Jbtalks. Raymond go add me in his friendster. About 3:00pm I, Alex and Wee Soon go to Taman play baskatball. When arrive at the Taman there I saw they all were already playing the baskatball. I sit down there and wait for them to finish their game. I was hit at my leg when I was sitting at there. You know what, the people who didn't meant o hit me is Steven Hon. I can't believe it that he hit me once again. I chase Steven the whole Taman again. When I was chasing him, I can hear many people were laughting at both of us cause both of us running very funny. Daniel Wong, Eddie, Wei Heong and other guys were laughting at there until laying on the ground. I can see they laughting until their face turn into red colour. Daniel laught very loud. He didn't want to admit it was he hit me but he blame it to Alex Chin. I thought he is a very honest person but I didn't know that actually he is such a weird people. After chasing him around the Taman a few time, we begin to feel very tired and he has no energy to play basketball anymore while I was standing few feet next to him. Teriyaki told me to let Steven off or not he will post comment in my friendster about I bullying his brother today. I tell him that I like people post many comment to me. I same group with Alex Chin and Peter Tay. Only Alex Chin help us goal the ball but end up lose again. For me I rather choose to be same group with Alvin Tan as I think his playing maybe be better than Alex Chin. About 3:30pm Teriyaki Chan go home with Edmund, Peter Tay and another guys. Steven went home about 4:30pm. When Gash come to the Taman I quickly ran and join him to play baskatball. After playing for a while Wee Soon, Raymond and Alex Chin came to join us. Raymond told me he didn't sing "Jenny" by click 5 but he change the song to "Happy Birthday" by clcik 5 also when I asking him why today didn't go practice singing song. After playing a short while I, Raymond and Alex Chin went to buy drink. I share my drinks with Wee Soon. Actually Alex Chin want to drink my drinks but I won't let him drink it. Then after a while I saw Alvin Tan and Marcus Ma and Suann came to the Taman. Suann join us and play basketball with us. When we were about to change place to continue playing, I ask raymond to help me take my drinks and Wee Soon took it continue drinking it. I went back home about 5:00pm. Today they haven't play finish yet but I have to go home first. I was very sad that I can't play basketball for few more minutes. When I was on the ways to Giant bus stop, I saw Marcus Ma's brother and his friends. He was asking me whether those guys were still playing baskatball. I answer him yes and also told him to go play quickly because they were many people playing at there now. I hope to play basketball again tomorrow. It very fun very playing basketball.

Today I arrive at school about 6:50am. I go back to my class to read my Pokemon comic book. I forget to give Alex Chin his pendrive and he make all his way to my class to take back his pendrive. I didn't have stay back today. I went to Taman about 2:10pm. When I arrive there Peter Chan, Suann, Andy Goh and one Fat Guy was already playing baskatball. I quickly put down my bag and join with them playing baskatball. I partner with Peter Chan, Suann. Peter is a professional when playing baskatball. After finish playing this game I partner with Steven, Peter Chan, Marcus tan and Suann. I think the most professional playing baskatball in this group is Steven. He help our group goal all the ball and our group win this game. I was very happy with it because we win the game. After that I stop play for a while bacause when we were playing baskatball Arther got came to call me but I just ingore him so I think is better for me to go back there to chack it out. When I go back there Yeong Joo and Arther told me to pumping 10times. I was very tired already and both of them still call me to pumping so I have no choice to go back to the baskatball court to play basketball because I didn't feel like pumping it. After we got so free time, I, Yeong Joo, Gash and Azhar go to basketball court and play baskatball. Yeong Joo strike one ball. He told me that he didn't know how to play but I can't belive wat he say because he just strike it. I same group with Peter tay and Gash. I went back to school about 4:30pm. I, Daniel Wong, Andy Goh and Suann went back to school together. We went straight go to school hall to see Raymond singing. I hear the song quite very nice but I can hear it that Raymond already didn't have any voice to sing it more louder. Finally Peter Chan accept me in his friendster. But I quite angry with him cause he haven't accept me in his Msn. Haiz... he also post 2 commment in my friendster. What he post is funny but is true. He told me to play baskatball because it is good for health. I hope to play with them again tomorrow.

About 7:30am ros and Syuhaidah came to my class find me. They say they want the permission paper so that they can came out to pratice the Taekwondo performance for the Hari Kokurikulum's Day. I went to astaka to find Arther but I only see Azhar, Ekay and Wei Liang at there playing baskatball. I call Azhar to see whether he know where is Arther a not but he doesn't know it. I call Arther's good friend and his good friends told me that he at 4 Seni 1 class. I quickly went to find him but I didn't see his face around so I called Dickson and Ming Sen to check if Arther was really in the class a not. I stand in front of the class room door and ask them if Arhter was inside the class a not. they both laught at me and say I can't see him that the guy who is sleeping actually was him. I also laught at myself cause I didn't even thought that guy who is sleeping actuallly is him. I went into the class and call him to wake up. He look very scare when he face up to see me. I asking him for the paper and he went down to his class room with a angry face. I was really scare so I ask Ming Sen and Dickson it is Arther angry. They say to me that I already ask the same question about 5 times. I ask many so many time is to sure it is Arther so angry that I wake up him from his sleep. I chat with Dickson and Ming sen a lot when Arther gone to his class room to take the paper and guess what Arther ask Ming Sen to lend him 20cent and he went out again and he lose from my sight. I was really scare that I make him angry. I know that is Ming Sen and Dickson make fun of me. I went back to my class room about 8:10am. I went to school computer room with Chun Ngiap. Haiz... He is useless playing game. Stop using school computer about 3:00pm. After that I and Chun Ngiap went quickly to Taman to play baskatball with those guys who are already playing at the Taman there. Chee Ping told me each of their name. This is their nickname Daniel Wong Chee Ping, Marcus Tan Ekay, Peter Chan Tek Qi, Steven Shern Syang, Andy Goh and lastly is Alex Chin Chun Ngiap. Althought their name is very weird to me but I think they are not very bad guy cause they enjoy playing baskatball very much. Ekay hit my head and i\he didn't dare to admit it was he throw to my head but indeed he blame it to Steven. I chase Steven the whole taman. The whole group of boys laught at both of us. I chase Ekay when I know the true that Steven was mistreat by Ekay. After that I chase Peter cause he was laughting my name by calling me JFang. I ran back to school when it already rain. I arrive back at school about 5:20pm. I go to Koperasi toilet to wash my hand and run go to Pasar Malam to find my mother. I went back home with my neighbour.