Tired And Sleepy Day ^_^
I arrive at tuition centre about 8:10am. I see Patrick, Praveen Noir and another two more guys which same classes with me were sitting at the "Mamak Kopitiam" eating their breakfast. I straight lay down my head to get so sleep. Mr Chua told the whole class that I was sleeping. He also asked me what time I sleep yesterday. I told him I only went to sleep about 1:00am. He was surprise to hear my answer. Zhi Xian didn't came to tuition today. One boy form Omega come very late about 9:50am. I went to buy 2 packs of Pocky biscuits. It ocst me about RM3. When I went into my BM class, I see Wei Liang see my biscuit but I just pretend didn't see him sitting next to me at all. After a while eating then only I treat him and his girlfriend. They eat happily. While Calvin and his girlfriend came in very late. I also ask whether his girlfriend want to eat my biscuits too. justin came very late today. Our BM tuition subject was seeing movie of "Hang Tuah And Hang Jebat". It was quite very old movie but it was very funny until the whole class laughting non-stop. Calvin trying to make fun of teacher's microphone when Mr Rosland went to toilet. He trying to imitate Mr Rosland's voice. The whole class laughting and very enjoy it too. It was very funny too. He also point a ok sign to see whether I already finishing copy the worksheet a not. When teacher return he got fright and surprise. I see Wei Liang and Justin chat a lot today. I went to Kerry but Paul Lee didn't see me passes by. Maybe he didn't recognise his cousin at all. Haiz... I saw Yi Sheng and Vincent Hooi too. They talk to me in the Counter Strikes shop. I saw the guy who same Singapore english class with me. He is such a annoying person. I dislike him very much. I didn't have Mr Chua's 3:30pm classes because he got important bussiness to do. I went o Kerry to wait for Hui Lynn to came take her thing. While waiting for her arrival, I was seeing some toys car race. It was kind of very interesting seeing those people play those car very seriously. This picture was taken during those car were racing.
I talk with Teriyaki in Msn but he kind of very funny and noob because he didn't understand what I was talking about. I was hoping that I could go to Taman tomorrow to play basketball with Ekay those group but my mother won't let me to stay back. Haiz...... Very sad.
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