Sleepy ~_~
I arrive at tuition centre about 8:10am. I sit in front of Yee Siang and read my history book as my second exam start this tuesday. Zhi Xian and Wei En come into the class-room together. I wonder if Zhi Xian is really very handsome or not why those malay girl same class with us like him very much. When I was about to go to toilet Mr Chua won't let me go because he only allow two people to go toilet at once. I stare at him when he came into the class-room. He asked me why. I say to him because of him I can't go to toilet. He told me he is a guy and I am a girl no same. I think he can't understand what I trying to say. Wei Liang say to me "Yo check it out man". I answer him not man is woman. He just smile . I went to Kerry Popular and read Singapore True Ghost Stories. I read about three story because it was quite very long story. I was nearly about to sleep when I was tuition in Singapore english subject. I feel very tired and sleepy. I think I must take a good rest for few days. I went to Kerry to see wedding fashion show. Below are those picture which I taken down during the wedding promo tour. This picture was taken during the Wedding Promo Tour at Kerry.

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