GOSH! Only Pass Fast Speed !

I was wake up by Boon Xin's call. He told me that he wanted to go take photo and asking me whether I wanted to go also a not. Well although we still haven't good like old time but I simply agree it as I also wanted to take some photo. Went to wash photo at about 12pm as I though Shu Qi told me she will go to school before 12pm but end up when I called her house she was still sleeping. Her mother wake her up after I call her. Went to City Square before Shu Qi arrive at the photo shop. I went to focus point to repair my spectacles as the skru were lost. But luckly I got my contact lens on my eyes. Shu Qi's mother fetch us from photo shop to City Square. I and Shu Qi went to eat at Mc Donald and get coupon too. Boon Xin phone me many time as he can't find where is the Mc Donald level2. I meet up Zhi Xian. He still like old time but the only thing change is his hair style. Shu Qi and I eat till 1:10pm while Boon Xin keep on standing beside us till we finish our lunch. Hahaha... Nothing to talk much with Boon Xin when all the way to school but I do have thing to talk with Shu Qi. Sad to know that I only pass one picture among ten and I pass only fast speed. While Shu Qi also the same with with pass one that is fast speed. Boon Xin pass non at all. Mandy and Yee Siang pass one more picture that mean both of them already pass two picture. Mandy and Yee Siang go to Holiday Plaza after Teacher Piao approve their photo. While I and Boon Xin have some chat before going to City Square. Actually already plan to go Istana Besar Sultan there take photo but end up fail when Boon Xin wanted to go hoem take fast speed and chase film photo. Really didn't know what to say. If I know he didn't want to go take photo, I maybe go to Singapore already after Teacher approve my picture. Went to City Square popular to look for some magazine that Teacher Piao wants. Haiz... Teacher Piao really make me damn frustrated and headache so much as his assignment really high like mountain. Then went to bus stop with Boon Xin. While Boon Xin already take bus, I sit bus stop there waiting for my mum to came fetch me. As the whether were too hot so I decided to walk back to City Square. While on my way back to City Square, I saw David Goh, Jia Yin and Levin. They were doing some video recording like MV for school assignment. Many people were watching them doing the MV as they were at the junction which between City Square to custom. Boon Xin called me after he arrive at his shop at told me that his shop there already start rainning and he can't take any photo. Gosh! Who is the one who keep on want to rush home and didn't want to take photo that he already promise early in the morning. Really damn frustrated with him. Forget to mention, those who know him please keep it as a secret about what i talk about him in my blog. Please respect my privacy. Thank you.
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