Thank For Company Me Till I Finish My Homework !
Arrive about 11am as I already promise to Boon Xin and Mandy to go school at 10am. Really didn't know how to say. I always late than the time I told people that I will arrive. Boon Xin make lose of my aluminium ruler. Dikcson Yip asked me that how was the 2012 as I say that I already see it. I told him very nice but I watch it from youtube not cinema. GOSH! The whole class laugh out. Senior Toopy teach me and also help me in Teacher Jj's class. I really do understand at least 40%. But the problem is why all the way he colour not look alike the actual drawing. I really do can't understand this at all. As last week Senior Toopy already give me some joke, he told me this week is my turn but end up i dind't care about it. I really do have one joke but didn't say it out as it was a very damn cold joke. After what Dickson told me on yesterday, I keep on beware of what I talk to other people. Today is Mr Be's homework dateline. I really got damn frustrated when I got to know that Mr Be won't take attendance to those who not pass up their homework on today. Shu Qi went back as she want to do her homework at home. Boon Xin company me in school till I finish my homework. While I doing my homework, he was watching his favourite drama "Hi, My Sweetheart". He really deaf cause he open the volume till can't even hear people talking to him. As I finish already I called Boon Xin to pass up and told him to be quick as it already 7pm. He didn't realise it already 7pm as he though still very early. I feel damn tired after showing my homework to Mr Be. Finally I finish his homework. While Giselle still doing her homework, I and Boon Xin decided to go City Square to eat. I company Boon Xin eat as I don't have the mood to eat. He scate too late go home so he decided to order curry chicken noodle for his dinner. So tired rushing Mr Be's homework. I today didn't even got the time to have my breakfast. Arrive home about 7:45pm. While Boon Xin arrive home 8:30pm. Feel a bit sorry toward him as he company till so late only go home.

Senior Toopy teach me and also helped me in colouring this picture. It feel a bit weird. Look like little indian. Haha...... But anyhow I wanted to thank him so much for helping me always. "Thank Senior Toopy For Helping Me So Much Always!".
Senior Toopy teach me and also helped me in colouring this picture. It feel a bit weird. Look like little indian. Haha...... But anyhow I wanted to thank him so much for helping me always. "Thank Senior Toopy For Helping Me So Much Always!".
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