Remember Earth Hour ^_^

Join millions around the world as they turn out and take action on the global climate change by participating in "EARTH HOUR 2009". Please turn out light on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 8:30pm~9:30pm.
As for today morning I went to school to take my berhenti sekolah certificate. I chat with Jocelyn Ng & Arther Neo till bell rang. Well they actually have teacher in the class but is relift teacher. Then I meet up Dickson Sect, David Tan, Thien Hui Pokemon, Alvin Tan, Marcus Tan and many other of my ex-junior in school. Well for Thien Hui Pokemon, he still look like old time but his hair style change a lot. All my ex-junior change a lot but didn't change a lot is David as he is still the David Tan I knew. I went to see the Taekwondo board and to my surprise it change a lot and also change place too. Then I went to City Square to find my 5th Sis and her brother, Alvin Lee. While waiting for them, I and my mother go to level 6 food court to eat. We eat laksa. Alvin Lee say that they will finish watching movie at 3:00pm as they were watching DragonBall Evolution at level 7. While waiting for them, I meet up Ng Wei Chee, Cheng Pei Hun & other friends. At 3:00pm I go fing my 5th Sis, she told me that his brother went into food court to find me. I got scare by myself and ran away as I saw my cloth same as Alvin Lee. I didn't know why I ran away. Well it too funny when I think about it. I ran and go find Pei Hun those group. After a while I decided to find my 5th Sis back as I already long time didn't see them. When going up to level 5 I meet up Kwi Ching, Fish Yee, Yuh Xian and Hui Ching. Then after chatting a while only I went to find my 5th Sis. While waiting for the bus to go my school, I saw a charmelon walking around so I took down the picture.
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