I was wake up by my mother when my neighbour phone us that she want to take her daughter Pei Xuan to school. While in the evening I went to pasar malam.
I went to pray my ancestors. My cousin fetch us go. Well as my family didn't own any vehicle so my cousin have to fetch us go there. The place was near Taman Johor Jaya there. Many of my cousin didn't go as many of them were busying with their work and study. Before afternoon, we all have already finish praying. After finish praying, we all went to 5th uncle's house at Taman Johor Jaya and eat. We went home in the evening. I also got take some picture about it. I will post it when I got time.
Went to Singapore again as it really very boring staying at home playing online game. Buy sushi to eat again. I will post the picture when I got time. Today is "Earth Hour".
Wake up in the afternoon. Go to City Square in the evening. Meet Karen at City Square Season second floor. This picture I took is at Stulang Laut Flat there. I felt very frustrated as there are many rubbish at there. The thing is it may cause mosquito dengue and I heard many people said there are snake always appear around this housing area. The problem is the snake is a poison snake. I think the rubbish had cause a lot of troubles. I feel very dangerous for the village. I didn't dare to go home late as I scare snake maybe sleeping around the drain or grass area around flat houses. There is no light around the houses area. So it is dangerous to go out or coming home late. I hope the people who in charge of the Stulang Laut housing area would take action about it.
Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2009
For today wake up in the afternoon also. As my neighbour, Aunty Alice is going to S.J.K St.Joseph to take her daughter home from school so I went out around 3:00pm to the school. I also got the chance to buy some eat from the school. Well the price was very reasonable and the food there also nice.

Wake up in the afternoon as yesterday sleep very late. Called Omega Tuition Centre hope that I can go there tuition again so that I can retake my SPM. But the bad new is that Omega say that they didn't want to take any student in anymore. Well I think it not fair as last year they take student in each month but this year is different. They say starting April, they won't take any student in as they scare those student who came in on April can't catch up with teacher in Omega. Well I didn't care actually as I got tuition in Omega before. I feel very frustrated when they didn't want to receive any student in. Went to pasar malam in the evening. The good thing is that Pei Xuan didn't follow me go to pasar malam or not I'm doom. She like to disturb me everytime she see me. As for today I watch "Bolt" at night as I feel very boring by doing nothing at home. The above picture is moth. It was at my flat house stair case there. I didn't see this species before so I took down the picture.

Join millions around the world as they turn out and take action on the global climate change by participating in "EARTH HOUR 2009". Please turn out light on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 8:30pm~9:30pm.
As for today morning I went to school to take my berhenti sekolah certificate. I chat with Jocelyn Ng & Arther Neo till bell rang. Well they actually have teacher in the class but is relift teacher. Then I meet up Dickson Sect, David Tan, Thien Hui Pokemon, Alvin Tan, Marcus Tan and many other of my ex-junior in school. Well for Thien Hui Pokemon, he still look like old time but his hair style change a lot. All my ex-junior change a lot but didn't change a lot is David as he is still the David Tan I knew. I went to see the Taekwondo board and to my surprise it change a lot and also change place too. Then I went to City Square to find my 5th Sis and her brother, Alvin Lee. While waiting for them, I and my mother go to level 6 food court to eat. We eat laksa. Alvin Lee say that they will finish watching movie at 3:00pm as they were watching DragonBall Evolution at level 7. While waiting for them, I meet up Ng Wei Chee, Cheng Pei Hun & other friends. At 3:00pm I go fing my 5th Sis, she told me that his brother went into food court to find me. I got scare by myself and ran away as I saw my cloth same as Alvin Lee. I didn't know why I ran away. Well it too funny when I think about it. I ran and go find Pei Hun those group. After a while I decided to find my 5th Sis back as I already long time didn't see them. When going up to level 5 I meet up Kwi Ching, Fish Yee, Yuh Xian and Hui Ching. Then after chatting a while only I went to find my 5th Sis. While waiting for the bus to go my school, I saw a charmelon walking around so I took down the picture.

A woman dancing in front of Restaurant Snow White. I saw this woman dancing in front of the restaurant and I was very surprise with her action that is dancing at there in front of everyone. I saw many people taking video and focusing on her as she dance so crazy. some of the Indian guy told me that this woman was crazy and mad. that why she was dancing at there. At first I don't think that she is crazy but after see all her action I really think she is mad and crazy. Those Indian guy also told me that she everyday dance at that place so no need to surprise about it. I went to Persada Johor as Education Fair is held at there. While IT Show was held at Landmark and Popular Fair was at Plaza Pelangi. I found the college that I wanted to study that is Raffles Design Institute. I also chat with my ex-senior that is Sean Neo as he was also promoting his college that is Olympia College. I saw many of my school friends but I pretend didn't recognise them at all as I feel very shame with my SPM results as their result is more better than me. While waiting bus in front of the new custom, Ming Wei's mother call me and chat with me.

I went to Singapore Jurong Point as I like to shopping and walk at there. I went to buy some video cd like "Bolt" & "Madagascar 2 Escape Africa". Oh ya those sushi is for my dinner and it cost me about Singapore dollar $25.80. After came out from national service so long finally today I get the chance to eat sushi. I got flu and make me very headache today. Morning my mother and my uncle went to pray my grandmother at Kebun Teh. The brown cat look very special so I took picture of it.
Posted on Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wake up at 11:00am as my neighbour want to go to the library. While my neighbour was finding the book that they wanted to lend, I sitting at the chair and read my favourite book which is "Singapore True Ghost Stories". I enjoy reading it very much. Then I company my neighbour to The Store to make a new spectacle. One thing not to forget is today 19 March some of my friends were going to NS so I here wishing them Good Luck & All The Best to them. Especially to Qi Ren & Ping Wei. Both of them is going Mersing NS Camp. While Andrew Choo didn't go with them as he want to continue his study.
Posted on Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Staying at home doing nothing in the afternoon. I continue see my favourite drama "Miss No Good". It so touching drama and I feel like crying when I see the drama.

I went to Popular Fair which is held at Plaza Pelangi from 13-03-2009 to 22-03-2009. Many of the book discount 90%. I brought some book and some video cd too as it got discount. My neighbour also got go with me and my mother. They buy more book than I. The most unbelieveable thing is I meet Justin Goh at there. He work at Popular Fair. Well I though he already go Signapore study or continue his study at somewhere but he didn't. He actually also same with me that is have to go NS for the first batch but he didn't go for some reason. He still fat like old time.
Posted on Sunday, March 15, 2009
IT Show

I wake up quite late for today as I just came back from NS I hope to get more rest at home. I went to feed my small Aunty about 12:00pm. When I arrive at home it already 2:30pm. I all of the sudden decided want to go Singapore Suntec City as there have IT Show which is same the same like Malaysia PC Fair. I take 950 bus to Marsiling MRT and take MRT to City Hall. When arrive at City Hall, I can't find where is the Suntec City actually. Actually I wanted to ask my Singapore friends, Edward but after thinking that I mind disturb him so I decided to call my cousin Francis Soh. He told me that I just need to walk through the underground pathwalk then I will arrive at the Suntec City in just 10minutes. Well this is my first time go to Suntec City although I always went to Singapore but I haven't been to Suntec City yet. Above is the situation when I was on my way to Suntec City. The place was filled with people who also wanted to visit to the IT Show at Suntec City.
I have this mini steamboat seafood for my lunch. It cost me Singapore dollar $4.80.
While my father and mother have this mini steamboat chicken for their lunch. The price also the same as mine. I think the price is quite reasonable as it wasn't very expansive at all.

SPM results is out today. I was very nervous to go take my result when I wake up in the morning. I went to take my results at 12:00pm. My Malay, English and Science get 5C, Mathematics get 7D, Morals get 8E, Additional Mathematics, Accountant, Agriculture, History get 9G. It a bit sad that I fail the four subject. The happy thing is that I got three subject credit. I meet many of my old friends in school last year. They all look different from last time. Some look more handsome and some look more beautiful. I went to City Square with Sze Yin, Fei Yee and Wen Xin after school. Wait for the bus for half an hour. Arrive at City Square about 2:00pm. I saw Chee Hui. Actually I didn't know is him as he keep on smiling at me so I try to remember as he look very familiar to me. Then I finally remember it was my friends in the PLKN Camp. Well he look different to me as he wear cap and spectacle. But I am glad to meet him again. Hoping that I can study at Singapore although my results is this worst.
Very tired as I sleep at 5:00am and they all wake me up at 6:30am. Yesterday party until 2:00am. I pack all my thing until 5:00am only sleep. We all go line up and take foto with friends until 10:00am. Bro cries. I feel very sad and depress. I only started to cry when I see my sister all crying. I meet bro's father. Cikgu Wan shake my hand. I took picture with RSM Black. I was very tired and I went to sleep at 11:30pm.