Finally GoodBye 5SP1 Classmates ^_^
I go to massive shop today to help my friend to buy his thing. When I arrive home it was already 7:30pm as I today have classmates dinner to attend at 8:00pm. Well actually I didn't feel like going there but since I was invited to go so I go. They didn't say have to bring money go there and eat so I didn't bring money when I going out to the restaurant. But when Liyana told me about each people have to pay our own and not using class money. But luckly the restaurant was near my house so I just call my mother to take my money come to the restaurant. The restaurant name it "Restoran Sayam". After see somebody's blog video it got me into so cold. I wasn't see thing kind of video first time as I always see it on 5SN1's blog. But this people blog the video is more worst as it make me more cold enough until I need a jacket to keep me warm enough. I hope the people who know who I saying about please at least publish some good video that not making people to get cold. So I only have one word to describe that is "WORST".
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