I went to eat mee hun kuah with Boon Xin before we going back home. It cost me RM4.80. Teacher Donald join both of us eat too. He eat some kind of fried rice with 1pieces of chicken and salad. It cost him RM5 something.
Yee Siang asked me when we all whole group that is me, Mandy and Boon Xin were talking at the door near the toilet. He asked me "Guan You hate me is it?". Actually I didn't know how to answer him but then I tell him if Guan You dind't hate him I also will hate him. Know "WHY?". Because Mr Tey keep on approving all his artwork. This make us really very frustrated.
Hahaha interesting. Remember this .... design is not only looking for final outcame or mark..... Design is a process. You might not be a good designer now but if you willing to face all the challenge and enjoy the process, one day you will became a good designer.