When This Conflict Will End ?

Janice Jia Fang, 31/07/1991, Leo, 27 years old, short hair, medium body size, not very fair hair just medium, 151cm/54.8kg. I'm a girl who like to play basketball very much. Ambition to be a teacher.
I was Hoping To Get My Black Belt Before I 30 Years Old =I Just Pass My Belt From Brown 1 To Brown 2 =After Finishing Studying My Form 5 I Wish To Go To Singapore And Continue My Study =Subject That I Would Like To Study At Singapore Is ICT =If Got Any New Korean Drama Please Let Me Know Ok =If Got Any Pc Fair In Singapore Or JB Please Inform Me.
I went to eat mee hun kuah with Boon Xin before we going back home. It cost me RM4.80. Teacher Donald join both of us eat too. He eat some kind of fried rice with 1pieces of chicken and salad. It cost him RM5 something.
Yee Siang asked me when we all whole group that is me, Mandy and Boon Xin were talking at the door near the toilet. He asked me "Guan You hate me is it?". Actually I didn't know how to answer him but then I tell him if Guan You dind't hate him I also will hate him. Know "WHY?". Because Mr Tey keep on approving all his artwork. This make us really very frustrated.
Afternoon about 2:00pm I go buy a packet of biscuit that cost me RM1.60. I still feel that very hungry so I went to buy two herbal egg that cost me RM1.50. Then went up to continue Miss Space's class. I feel very tired when teacher was showing what we studying about in this center. Miss Space say the first one who retake the level1 again is Yee Siang. But that Yee Siang though he was very smart and tell teacher that he can "JUMP" level. So teacher told him "You JUMP Let Me See!". I didn't know that the damn ass hole do as teacher told, he really "JUMP" in the class. What a very very damn damn stupid ass hole action. So damn "CHILDISH". Many people was wondering Miss Space's age when she show us a zodiac animation. To me it very interesting. Miss Space say her age was "DOUBT" those who in the class 18years old this years. So that Yee Siang answered quickly and say 36years old. OMG ! HELLO ! ARE HE STILL SLEEPING? Zodiac only have twelve so is 18+12=30 but that Yee Siang though is 18x2=36. Maybe can't blame all toward him but he really got the self-confidance when answering it.
You Are a Traditionalist |
You seek stability - both in your career and your romantic relationship. In return, you're very loyal and predictable. Which is usually a good thing. Without a partner, you feel lost. Being with someone is very important to you. Your strength: Your dependability Your weakness: You hate being alone Your power color: Midnight blue Your power symbol: Shell Your power month: April |