Well wake up early in the morning to continue doing my assisment. Very damn headache as yesterday do my assisment till 2am. Chat with David in msn in the afternoon. Actually want to follow my cousingo to cut my hair but the weather end up raining so I decided not to go as very lazy.

Well wake up early as I have class at 10:00am. Very damn headache and tired as yesterday sleep very late. First class is Mr Tey's class. I enjoy studying his class but the problem is he talk too fast and always like to mix many lauguage while teaching in class. Well he today speak alot of teochew with me as I last time told him I that I use teochew to speak teochew to talk with other people. Sometimes this teacher even write wrong or pronous wrong in english like today "explode" he write "explore". I keep on telling him the speeling he spell wrong but he argue about it. Hello he say explode but he is the one who write explore. He also asked the whole class to go KL together as our center got held a tour to KL. I didn't want to go as pc fair and toys fair will be held start 14Aug-16Aug while the tour is at 15Aug. Go to ground floor to eat as later still go another class. Meet up Zhi Lei in the lift. She told me 5th sis were eating at level 1 cafe. As I lazy want to go fin her so I follow Mandy, Wen Xin, Guan You, Yee Siang and Terence together go eat. I order "mee hun kuah" and it cost me RM4.60. While that Wen Xin only eat porridge with preserved duck egg but he say doesn't delicous at all. Well only ate 1/4 of the porridge. What a waste. Haha... Jasmine came to meet us. She told us that she wake up late so didn't attend Mr Tey's class. Then go to attend Mr Doanld's class. Today's class is colour the thing that we do last week. I bring all my drawing go home to paint colour on it. I will post it out when I finishing painting it. Go home with my neighbour car.