I feel very tired and exhausted when my father wake me up early in the morning. Chia Boon Xin call me as he didn't know tomorrow class start at what time. I would like to say actually I alsoo didn't know what time for tomorrow class. While I was chatting with him on the handphone, David called me at the same time for triple times. I already very long time didn't chat with David and feel like stranger to me but after chatting with him about 2hours, I getting to know much about him and not strange anymore. Well we know each other about more than 3years in school. Although we sometimes did argue but later back to friends again. All my friends didn't know how I feel and what I say maybe wrong to my friends but David is very different. He do understand how I feel for sometimes, well sometimes he even can advice people too. So is very good to have a friend like him. I am glad to know him and will forever appreciate our friendship. I today dare myself to call our design center's principle, Mr Be to ask tomorrow class start at what time.
Posted on Saturday, July 25, 2009
Nearly wake up late as I yesterday sleep at 2am. Went to Taekwondo training. I partner with John as I dind't want to partner with the chinese girl anymore. She was so talkative. I can't stand about her. Well partner with John I keep on laughing non-stop as he keep on kicking 360degrees turning kick. Gosh he is damn funny and yoga king. Gosh today I was damn tired and exhausted. The most most worst thing is that Lim Wei Liang did came to training. Gosh I really damn hate him keep on asking this and that. He keep disturbing me and talking non-stop to me. Luckly I ran away form him and talk with Kristy. Shit after he knew I study at Landmark he keep on asking non-stop toward me. I really damn hate him. Go to City Square in the evening to buy soe magazines as I need it for my Monday class, Mr JJ. Gosh ! Too many assisment ! David called me triple time today in the evening. I was very surprise when he call me. Well he seldom call me as I the one who always call him to chat with. Maybe I going to strike my lottery today. Haha !
This is the Singapore 6Range Sony Ericsson shop doing so offer for Sony Ericsson handphone and handphone assessories. As I already long time didn't update such a thing already so I post it today. I took this promotion paper on 22July so I hope I didn't late to post it. 

The whole day wasting my time doing assisment. Gosh ! The assisment is damn many and need to be pass up next week.

Wake up early in the morning as I have class today. But before I go will of course I have to play with my computer first as I need to feed my restaurant city's workers. Gosh first class is Mr Tey's class from 10:00am till 1:00pm. Well for me his class wasn't that boring as he is teaching us "Basic Design 1". He work as a part-time lecturer. He speak in english the most as our clas have an indian girl student. Thank goodness for me as I didn't understand chinese so well. Went to level1 as we have nothing to do with but to wait until the next class. Yee Siang went to find Chee Wen Jie as I didn't chat with him. I think it was Chee Wen Jis's friends who introduce Yee Siang to came here study. Second class is Mr Donald's class. He will be teaching us "Art Media 1". To me his class is very boring as he wasn't that fluent in speaking in malay. What he told us to bring dindt even write at the whiteboard. Other teacher all write at the whiteboard only this Ronald teacher use talk to told us. Gosh ! Actually I wasn't that understand what he actually saying about. He also ask us to introduce ourself again. He asking how we know this S.U.S and we came her by what. Gosh ! I can't take it. I wasn't very hoping to go to his class. He also remind we all that not to late his class over 2.4days as our assisment project mark 20% is came from our attedent. That mean we all can't late his class more than 2days half hours. I feel very sad when I got to know that my favourite entertaiment show that is 模范棒棒堂 ended record today. Gosh ! They were my idol. Yee Siang called me to ask about what Mr Be yesterday told us to bring as he note down wrongly. Went to pasar malam in the evening. Meet up Pn Gan Ser Kee, Diana's mother, Pn Liu our school ex koko teacher, they ask the same question to me that is "You further your study? Gosh ! Maybe I already staying at home for so long so they all though I might don't want to further my study I guess.

Wake up early in the morning as I already planning to go S.U.S Design Center to register my study. Actually I was planning to go find some cllege to study but as my friend be study at there today so I decide to go try study at there. My first class start at 10:00am till 2:00pm. I was surprise when I saw Sim Yee Siang came into the class. I didn't know that he had choose the same course and same center as mine. Firstly he didn't notice me but when he was about to find place to sit, I surprise him and he got shock. But the class only start at 10:15am as the teacher came late to the class. Our first teacher that will be teaching us "Principles Of Drawing 1&2" is Mr JJ, maybe by his looking he look young but actually he is already 33years old. What I hear is that he have been working at Singapore Mediacorp before for 4years. Uncle Chew called me before I start my second class. I was scold by him when he know I go to study design. He want me to study biomedical science but I end up studying this. But he told me that if I study the design I must study engineer design as it will have a brighter future for me next time but I think it to late for me to choose as I already start studying. Second class start at 2pm till 4pm. Mr Be who is the princple of this center will be teaching us this class for "Nature Of Colour 1". We only start the class at 2:10pm till 2:45pm. It is too early we finish our class? We didn't finish at the right time but as it was our first day so Mr Be say we finish the class early a bit. Before I go back Mr Be gave me his name cars with his phone number and e-mail on it as he scare I didn't understand what ingrediet I have to buy for the next week class. Mr Be also told us to bring our own passport photo as he need it to make a student pass so when we all want to go Redbox sing song got some discount for us. Didn't go to pasar malam as Uncle Chew ant to fetch his son home from school. I also realise that I already one week didn't update my blog post. I will try to post about last week thing when I free. Hope reader be sure to drop by.
As I didn't have any training today, I go to Larkin Pasar to buy fresh fish for dinner. Actually I plan to go to Persada Johor to support my NS friends as he going to have his dance at there. I guess it was some dancing concert he learn. Not to forget starting yesterday till this Sunday, Persada Johor will be held some online cyber game fair. While at Landmark is pc fair. Lollipop also have their concert at Hong Kong today.
Well early in the morning about 6:30am, I receive a message from my coach saying that this Saturday didn't have any training as he got seminar to attend at KL. Gosh ! I was very sleepy so I ignore the message first and continue my sleep. While I was playing with my computer in the evening, I feel something like earth quake but not really earth keep. Sound like somebody is "BANGING" the door very loud but when I asked my mother, my mother just saying that maybe is neighbour's washing machine make those sound. But after I make one call, I only realise that actually is not a washing machine sound. It was somebody who is "BANGING" the door very loud and crying. Gosh ! I though it was earth quake as I was playing my computer I can feel some shaking.
Go to pasar pagi in the morning. When I came back, I saw a lot of smoke came out from this power station. What a surprise is that when I arriving at home my neighbour told me that the electrical just stop. Gosh ! After eating my dinner, straight go to my room to continue my sleep. i dream a very weird dream that is Uncle Chew came to visit my house and knocking our house door very loud. Then I was suddenly wake up by my cousin, Hong Zhan's call. She say she is on her way to my house. Well I got very surprise by my dream and also very headache as not enough sleeping today. While in the midnight the electrical stop again. SHIT ! DAMN IT ! I was playing with my computer at that time and all of the sudden the whole flat all gone blackout. GOSH ! I got very angry with it. Because of their repairing, they have to stop the electrical current.
Today is my 3th Sis's birthday which her name is Ning Shiuan. I here wishing "Happy Birthday To You, 3th Sis" !