Posted on Sunday, November 30, 2008
This is my NS results :Tahniah!
POSKOD KEM : 81900 |
TARIKH LAPOR : 28/12/2008 |
I feel very sorry to David as I didn't reply his message today. Well, it wasn't I didn't want to reply him just I feel very headache after visiting the Popular fair the half day.So I didn't have much time to read my account book. But to me is never mind as I was thinking about retake the account exam at outside so never mind. Although I fail in SPM but I still thinking of retake the exam again. One regret thing is that I suppose to take Biologi subject but it already too late.
Posted on Saturday, November 29, 2008
For me today I nearly sleep late as yesterday I already promise my neighbour to go to Popular Fair with them at City Square. Actually I was going with their mother too but unfortunately her mother sick and I followed my mother to company her mother to the Doctor. What a sad thing is her mother didn't have change to follow us go so I go with their daughter and her sister to the Popular Fair. Well her daughter follow me go because she want to meet her idol which is Lin Mei Lia. Well I only hear his name because but I didn't know who is he. After buying book, Pei Ying that is the big daughter said that she want to bank in her mother's money. But bad luck happen on her as she put the cheque into the machine, her cheque got stuck inside the machine and she cries. I feel sad about it but I can't afford to do anything to help her. While they all busying calling to the service centre, I was chatting with my friends Kou Kuan Soon. Well, although this guy same age with me but he already didn't study. He now working at Action City as a "Supervisor".
I haven't not enough sleep today as yesterday about 1:00am only I went to sleep. I sleep very late yesterday is because I need to read about my agriculture book. Although I know I will fail in this subject but I still have to so my best as David always say "SPM only once in your life". But when I read the question paper and I realise it was very easy but the bad thing is I can't understand at all. All I read didn't came out in the exam paper. I was very nervous and very sleep when I was having the exam. Well before I have time to fall asleep the teacher keep on waking me up by touching my shoulder.
Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2008

Well I wake up very early today as I'm going to Larkin Post Office there to take my NS letter. After knowing where I will be going yesterday, I feel grateful as I wasn't going so far place like my friends Negeri Sembilan, Muar and Batu Pahat. I was very scare to go there as I didn't have any people to company me. But what I know is Chow Mei Fong and Su Chooi Wen also go to the same place with me. I also post some comment on David's blog too as I promise to him that before I go to NS I will keep on posting comment on his blog. I Hope he also do the same thing that is post some comment on my blog too.
Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today I over sleep so I only wake up about 12:00pm in the afternoon. I was waiting for the National Service letter as I was hoping to know about which place I will be going and when I will be going. I went to to look at my mail box about 2:00pm and I realise that the postman had come but why I didn't realise his appearance. I get more angry as it say I have to go to Larkin there to take my National Service letter. When I was on the way to take bus to go home, I meet my very long lost friends that is Mior. I didn't recognise him at all. He calling me "Lee" when I was looking for my bus to go home. I got surprise and thought it was a weird people who was calling me but then he intro himself and say that his name is Mior then only I realise is was my long lost friends.Well because of the postman I ahve to go all my way to Larkin to take my letter. I chat with many people today either Msn or handphone. I called David and we talk mush about handphone stuff. After finish chatting with David, I continue chatting with Sim Yee Siang in Handphone and what make me very happy is if I wasn't guess wrong I chat with him about half an hour but the SOX only cost me about RM2 something. I wasn't regret buying the SOX at all.
Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Today is a very bad luck day. Many of my friends already receive their National Service letter except me. I wondering where I will be going and which batch is it.
Posted on Monday, November 24, 2008
Today is was a very boring day. Nothing to do except chatting online Msn with David. Well I asked him to help me to change my blog picture. I also realise got one latest Koreadn drama. The Korean drama name is "3Dads 1Mom". After seing it about few episode I think it quite interesting and very funny too. I decided to intro this drama to David as it was so funny.
Posted on Sunday, November 23, 2008
I got very angry with my mother as I wanted the to take part in the KungFu Panda contest but she throw away my barcode ticket. I was very angry with her and what make me more angry is she already throw it before I realise it. I got very furstrated with all her action.She make me very angry. I know what make she all of sudden gone crazy like mad people jujst realise from jail. She got very angry when I ask her where is my exam paper. Actually I didn't done anything wrong just asking my science exam paper only and she got angry and scold me for no reason. I didn't know what happen to her since she always like to scold me for no reason only those who know my mother didn't see my mother's real colour if they see it they may know how crazy she is.
Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2008
I went to Singapore today. As I was very boring staying at home my father decide to bring me to Singapore for a walk and shopping. I went to Jurong East then went to Tiong Bahru to visit my favourite place and the place I wanted to go always that is TS. This shop sell a lot of CD song, drama and even movie. When I free I will post about what I buy from the shop. What I know is I already buy all of the hot shot drama full set. It cost me about $65.70 Singapore money.
Today I have my science exam. Actually I didn't have any confident at all as I keep online playing internet. After seing the exam paper, I feel it was very easy. Well today I chat with my Singapore friends.
Posted on Sunday, November 16, 2008
Today I realise friendster got even worst problem that it all my friends in friendster had gone. It make me very upset. I wonder if it only for temporary only. David help me change my blog skin again. Well, after seing it I like it very much. It better than the last time. I like my blog skin very much now.
Posted on Sunday, November 16, 2008
Well until now my friendster still under "Temporary Maintenance". I was very frustrated as it had causes I lose many friends from my friendster. I got 385 friends but now only left 9 friends. I was very upset about it. I hope it will recover faster as I was hoping to continue playing my friendster.
Today math paper was very hard to me as I didn't have enough time to think and answer. I think I will fail in my math exam as I can't understand the question at all. Well luckly I meet up with David when I was about going for my math paper2. Although he just say about the X and Y thing it already enough for me as I know how to answer it when I see the question paper. Thank to him. I'm glad to know him. Hope we will still contact each other although I already graduate from school. Well as I already make a promise to him that I will always view his blog but sometime I feel very frustrated when I went to view his blog. I wonder why when I view his blog my computer will very lag and when I view other people's blog no lagging computer happen. I think is because he put to much gadget. I hope he will think a way to solve my problem so that I can go see his blog everyday.
I think I going to fail my english test as it was very damn hard to answer. I finish my exam at 4:30pm. It was very late already and Sim Yee Siang told me that he would like to follow me to take bus to City Square. While at the bus stop I, Sim Yee Siang and my mother chat a lot with each other. I getting to know much more about him. Well to me he is just a big brother. He also say before that he hope to me my mother's godson. Well to me is ok because I didn't have any brother or even sister so if he want to be my big old brother I won't mind at all. I can't understand what David say to me in msn.
Today I got malay paper1&2 and also history1. When I was about to went into the class room I got very nervous until I sit down and see the question paper all of the suddnely my brain all blank can't even think of anything. Maybe I too nervous and also when I got the exam paper I got scare because it didn't come out what I had read. David help me cut some song into half and not to forget he also advice me to read my book as now I was having my SPM. Oh, nearly forget those who got go to Giant Leasure mall you maybe notice that the back door there got one wanted people that is Chong Fui Kai. I didn't know why he was wanted by people. But what I know from my friends is the word say "Girl Beware". As I didn't know how to read chinese word so hope other people will explain it to me what it mean by all the word. Those who want to know more about it please see the below picture that I took. 
Posted on Monday, November 10, 2008
As David Was back again posting his blog, I was away to study hard for my SPM exam. I was happy for him as he got 50% marks for his add math exam. What he say about MR Heng like fast performing teacher in our school I do really agree. But the instead of calling him "Superman" I think we should call his "SuperSpeed". Well, luckly that David dind't forget to wish me good luck for my exam tomorrow. But at least he apologise to me that he had no time to sign my biodata book. I hope if got chance I will give his sign it once. Well at least when I go to nasional servis I can still remember them. I didn't know how David know I will play a lot of msn and sms. But what he say is " Goooooooooooooood Luck!" Hui Lynn call me today and asked me whether I want to work at PC Fair. I straight agree as I like computer thing very much and is my long time dream to work at PC Fair. Finally, my dream come true and thank to Hui Lynn too. She say that that the work is promo about streamyx internet. Well to me this job is not bad at all as I can speak in three language that is malay, english and chinese. I hope I can do it well. Don't forget to go PC Fair on 19, 20 and 21 Dec to support me and thank. Oh ya nearly forget, I now here wishes all those who is having SPM tomorrow "Good Luck And All The Best". But remember two thing that is "Success Lies Not In Time, Place Or Circumstances, But In The Person" and "The First And Most Important Step Toward Success Is The Feeling That You Can Succeed". Anyway Good Luck.
Posted on Sunday, November 09, 2008
I stay at home the whole day as I was going to have my SPM this tuesday so I keep on reading my history book. Although it really very boring, I keep on reading so that I can pass my history.While reading my book I also chat with my long time no see friends that is Ridzuan. He went to Muar since standard3 if not wrong. I wonder how he look like now as we both already so many year didn't meet. He told me about what happen to him this few years. I also know that he still short like last time.

I was cane by Mr Hakim as I late go into Mrs Joo's history class. Well to me this year I was cane by Mr Hakim twice. The first time is because I pass up late my add math homework and this the second time. When I was in form3 and 4, I didn't even get cane by Mr Hakim or even Mr Saujana before. I have break my record that is being cane by Mr Hakim. I has brought one Celcom prepaid card the pascked name is SOX. I think it not quite bad as the number is free and the only condition is have to top up RM10 when u brought the card and tomorrow morning it will free RM10 for once more. I think it quite good as many thing a bit like digi that is free sms or call during your birthday. David wasn't very agree with me to buy the sim card as he was wondering me why I use so much so number. Maybe to him I use many kind of sim card line but to me it was very little. Actually I didn't have anymore tuition as now already November but Mr Yip say he is giving free tuition class for those who want to attend to get more preparation before the SPM. The class starts at 3:00pm until 6:30pm. Actually Mr Yip told our class 5Science1 start 3:00pm until 6:00pm but he forget that he told 5Science2 class it was until 6:30pm. Mr Yip combine two class together. Mr Yip prepare one experimant for us too that is operation a lizard. It was a pity that I didn't take a photo about it. I see the lizard didn't have many blood but when all the organ was taken out including the heart was still pumping. I wonder why it still pumping as all the organ already cut it out. While we were taking all the organ out from it stomach, I can see it tail still moving here and there. I feel pity with the lizard that it has to be sacrifice for our science experiments. I feel very fun and enjoy with today tuition's class. I take a foto with Mr Yip too. I will post it when I free.
Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I can't believe what I saw in my friendster bulletin that someone post that "Digi Is Giving Free Petrol, Free Touch & Go Card And Soon Free Meals Too". I wonder if David know about it. If any of you would like to know more about is please visit this website inside were the video that can prove it all. I didn't feel very well today as yesterday I already got flu. I went to find Sarah Lim but I can't found her as Lee Ming Fang told me that she didn't came to school today. I asked Ming Fang to pass the book to her when she came to school but Ming Fang pass it to Mr Bobby as he haven't wrote in Sarah's book yet.
Posted on Monday, November 03, 2008
What I want to say is that today when I take a look at Shawn's foto it was very funny but have to admit it also cute. Until now I was very angry with Justin because he didn't write my autograf book although Mary already give it to him. Well at least Andrew is better than him. I help Mary to wash her foto as I was also going to wash too. It cost me RM19 for all the foto I wash including Mary's foto.
Posted on Sunday, November 02, 2008
Finally I didn't tuition already as now already November and Omega didn't have tuition during November as SPM is coming. I was very frustrated as when I wake up this morning my head feel very dizzy. I think I got sick already because i have running nose. I was very sad as SPM is only left 10days and now I'm sick. What should I do? Anybody please help me to solve this problem. I was very enjoy chatting with Mary in msn and not to forget also her little brother too. Her borther, John was very not quite understand I talking about.
Posted on Saturday, November 01, 2008
I arrive very late very late to training. I was beaten by Mr Hang with two target. I feel very frutrated as PH today got come to our training. I wasn't like her arrival. She asked me to help her pass Joanne's birthday present. As I was very sleepy and was in blurr so I didn't care about what she talking about. But before going home she passes the pooh bear to me and asked me to help her pass it to Joanne. I feel very weird as I didn't agree to help her before. Well, this PH I nothing to say about her as she was a very weird people. I asked Ho Yeong Joo, Arther Neo, Mr Hang and other member of Taekwondo to write my biodata book.