I asked many people to write my biodata book. I was very surprise when I see the pickpocket who is standing in front of me in the bus taking one school girl's handphone in pocket. The pickpocket was very scare and he fail to pull the girl's handphone out. I was very scare and quickly pretend didn't see it. Well to me now at the City Square bus stop there very dangerous as there were too many pickpocket seeking for chance to stel people's thing from pocket. So please beware of it.

I fell asleep when I was studying math subject. When I wake up, I realise that the math subject already finish. I skip english class as Mrs Fatdillah went to meeting. I went to Koperasi and meet Maurice at there to chatting with Fong Zhen. I went back to class when the bell rang because I have malay subject. When I was on my way back to class as I passes science lab2, I hear Wee Soon and Ming Sen called me. Wee Soon called me and asked me whether Marcus Tan got came to school a not today. When I already finish answering his question, he continue asking me other question and qithout notice I answer every question he ask and that is never mind but the funny thing is I didn't realise I have been chatting with him about 1hours. It more than I chat with David. But at least he is more better than David as David was a very scary person while Wee Soon is a very polite person that talk not like David Tan so scary. I pity Wee Soon as he has to attend twice nasional service that is one from Malaysia and another one is Singapore. He say he have to go about 2years 3months as in Malaysia 3months and in Singapore is 2years. He asked me if I already planning for my future like studying at where or after SPM planning to do what. I told him to study hard or not he may not have a bright future like futhering his study at other countries. He told me he got 8D in his PMR result. But he got into this 4EA class. I told him to study hard or not he will become like me regret waiting for all 9G in SPM result. But now I already try to study all the subject to help me at least credit 4subject that is Malay, English, Science and Math. I was very regret that I didn't listen to David's advice last time. But regret is too late why not I try to study hard from now at least can pass few subject to help me studying in Singapore. I hate my Taekwondo Junior very much and that person is Ang Shi Xiang. People call him monkey. He always like to bully ma like beating me or hit my head or even pulling my hair. No wonder every person he like didn't like him at all. Althought I scold him everytime he bully me, he still remain the same habits. Many girl hate him is because he will take any chance to touch girl's private parts. I hope not to see him anymore. I hear somebody calling Hariz name again and I guess that person is Shawn because he cover his face with A4 paper. I know is was him because he like to bully me using the name of Hariz. I would like to say it again that I not him girlfriend and stop the misunderstanding or not you will remain the bad people that is bullying me.
Posted on Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I was very frustrated with Miss Liyana as she wasn't fair to chinese people the most. When I was having account subject, she gave all my classmates paper except me and Kiwi. When she walk pass by I called her to give me account paper but she ignore me. I feeel weird but to me she is not deaf because I called her in loud voice. When I go to take from her in front, she say something that I didn't want to hear it as it really was her fault. I asked her why she didn't answer me when I called her to give some paper as she walk pass by. She say to me that why she have to go my place when I called her. Hello... this teacher walk pass by and give the paper to Collin Ching who is sitting beside me but this teacher didn't give the paper. She wasn't doing the fair thing. I can't understand what she is talking about as I didn't do anything wrong and she scolded me too. Until now I still very angry about it. Maybe Miss Liyana is in bad mood because of some reason like fighting with her boyfriends or some other privacy thing. I hope she think carefully before blaming on other people. Continue with Alvin's love story. The girl he like today realise something that is Alvin Tok like her. She can't accept the true and the whole day she was in a very moody and frustrated mood. I wonder who told her that Alvin Tok like her because our class already make a promise not to tell other people either the girl whom Alvin Tok like. But I hear this girl say is Ping Wei who told her a little bit about it. Well until now we still didn't dare to tell Alvin Tok that this girl already know the true about his feeling toward her. This girl say she will change her handphone number as quick as possible so that Alvin Tok won't bother her anymore. We can just pity Alvin Tok for now. What a very sad love story. Hope he will still be brave when he know the true about it. Now I realise that Jing Yu become more stingy when you asked him to lend you something. He only lend his thing to Ping Wei or exchange thing qith Ping Wei. Maybe those two were like "Ai Mei". Fish asked me whether on 05 December I can attend the class party a not. I didn't know should I go a not as my classmates people very hate about me. Maybe I choose not to go as in class, I were so alone and like a person who dump by their friends. Maybe is my own choice because I got thought to change class before but end up didn't change the class. Well... is my fate so I have to accept it truely.
Posted on Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Today I realise one big secret that is who Alvin Tok Su Khoon like actually. Actually I already guess it was XXX XXXXX XXXX on friday when I was in the tuition science class as Alvin Tok act very weird in the tuition centre class. But Jing Yu told me that I guess wrong but I already very sure I guess it correctly. Well, as I guess it really correct as my classmate people say that is really was her. But this girl didn't know that Alvin Tok like her. Alvin Tok told us not to tell her. But I wonder why not to tell her. Maybe Alvin Tok got chance if he told her about his feeling toward her. But it up to Alvin Tok to decide it. The person he like I can't tell as only our class people can know about it. We all already make a promise not to tell the girl or other people. The girl actually not quite bad. But maybe to Alvin Tok is very nice and kind hearted. Those who see my blog please don't ask any people from my school or any people as it is a very important to Alvin Tok's future. But many of us say both of them look quite a pairs. I got very angry a bit as Shawn already promise to give me his foto but he didn't give it to me. I hope that he will give me so I can paste it in my biodata book to remember he is the one who always bullying me in the school. I was cheated by my neighbour's small daughter that is Chung Pei Xuan. She was crying when I was on my way to pasar malam and her mother told me to company her as she keep on crying asking me to company her in her house. I got very frustrateed when I was doing nothing in her home but playing rubix cube by myself. I can't believe it I was cheated by a 6years old girl. So today the leason I learn is not easy believe to other people.
I caught this picture when I was opening my house's door. Those fly were doing weird thing that I didn't feel like saying it out. But I take it down because today I have nothing to post in my blog.
Posted on Monday, October 27, 2008
I went to Kulai Nanyang Fish Farm for a walk. Those were the picture was taken during the time I was at there buying some fish.
I took this picture down as I see those two cute Persian cat were cleaning each other's body.


I take those picture to remember the good memory.

My house's aquarium. Inside were many kind different fish that I brought from Kulai Nanyang Fish Farm.
My own aquarium. Inside it was two fighting fish left is dark red and right is light red. It quite beautiful is you see it during the night.
Posted on Sunday, October 26, 2008
Today is the last day of tuition. So I and my other two friends took some picture as a sweet memory to remember.
Starting from left side is June, Onionx Chong Hui Yeng and me.
I take foto with David as I was not quite use to it so the foto look very awful.
David and me. As I wasn't quite use to it to take picture with David for the first time, my picture look very worst that is my smile was really like very fake.
While we can see I was shorter than David as he was only form4 and I was form5. I feel very embrass with it.
Posted on Thursday, October 23, 2008
I was challenge by Hoh Kah Bao. He said if I can't solve the rubix cube between 1minutes and 50second I have to pray to the tree. I didn't accept his challenge as it was very boring and childish. I finish the rubix cube in 2minutes 5second. He finsih the cube about 1minutes and 50second. Well we can see that I really lose to him. He say to me that I have another second chance but this time he gave me 2minutes to solve the rubix cube. But this I got the worst I finish solving it about 3minutes. I hope Jeremy Chiew would help me to win this guy. Please do help me Jeremy Chiew. I am counting on you to help me win this guy. Hoh Kah Bao took my bag and hide it as I didn't want to pray to the tree. I wonder why I always being bully by people.
Posted on Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I was challege by Maurice and Lau Sze Hou as they both want me in withing 2minutes solve the whole rubix cube. I already try my best but I still can't do it. Please teach me the fastest solution Jeremy Chiew. I finish my rubix cube within 2minutes and well they both laught at me. Mr Toh Kim Loong releave our agriculture subject as Mr Anuar already being switch to other school. I quickly ran to see Mr Toh ans asked him to teach me Mathematics as I didn't good in this subject. After teaching me about 1hours , I realise that I learn a lot more than I went to Omega tuition. Mr Toh's mathematics formual was very easy to memorise. I found that I start to like mathematics subject already. I didn't know mathematics was a very easy subject. When we were having Account subject, I and Jing Yu went to Koperasi as he want to take his handphone from Fong Sweet Er wellme of course going there is to take my book. I, Goh Ping Wei, Lau Jing Yu and Maurice Ryan were standing outside the classroom during our mathematics subject. I and Jing Yu chat a lot and he know some of my secret. Maurice is too straight as he asked Jing Yu if he like Ping Wei as they both look so close. Jing Yu didn't answer Maurice's question. Fish asked me whether I can go to the party which they organise it especially for our class. I didn't know should I go a not as the whole class people always abandoned me alone in the class. Shall I go to join them? Sam Wen Ya lose her spectacle but I didn't know whether she found it back a not.
Posted on Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I was bully by this Peter Pang Ming Wei and Kelvin Chin Kar Hau during resec time in Koperasi as they both keep on saying I'm very short until they both can't even see me. I was very frustrated as they both think I am stupid and test my IQ too. As I know they both also not very smart as they both get 20 something in the class but what can I say as they both are the first class. I win Lim Ying Jun as he challege me to match rubix cube with him. Althought I win him but I still hope can finish it fast like Jeremy Chiew did it. I wonder when Jeremy Chiew will teach me by personal. Jeremy Chiew told me that our school have rubix cube competition and it only for form3 student. I think it not fair as it only for form3 student it suppose to give other student like fomr4 and form5 a chance to take part in it. I wonder Jeremy Chiew can get champion in this competition as he was so expert in this rubix cube. Anyway this competition is on this thursday so I now here wish Jeremy Chiew, "Good Luck Teacher Jeremy Chiew". If you win must tell me ok? Until now I want to know who is this ??? and !!! as they both leave comment on my blog. I wonder who are they actually. Do I know them or they do know who I am. I hope they can tell who are they actually. All those people who post comment in my blog leave their name but at least I know them but thie ??? and !!! didn't let me know who are they actually.
Posted on Saturday, October 18, 2008
I saw PH when I on my way to the school hall. I was very frustrated as I see her sitting the hall stage act cute. She act cute is because she was hoping that the people she love will like it. The people she love is Benjamin Chong. But unfortunately Benjamin already got girlfriends. But PH until now haven't give up. She keep on coming to our Taekwondo class to see whether Benjamin is coming to thr training a not. I mood get more bad as Lim Wei Liang and Vincent Hooi Yen Han came. The Lim Wei Liang was in love with PH while PH was very in love with the Benjamin. What a very compicated love. I very scare of Arther Neo as when he talking to me he like to stand very close to me. I meet up Hariz at the Giant bus stop when I was waiting for my bus to come by. He talk about his secret to me. As I know is although he didn't tell me first, I already know all as the gossip were spread out so quickly. But some of his secret were not know by people. I also meet up Jay Leong Li De. I also know some of his secret too. He in school is my father. I like it as my father wasn't have a bad looking. But sometime he is very feirce like Alvin Tan. I wonder why this year I know many people's secret but is not I want to know is they tell me. But after chatting with Alvin Tan, my mood got better a bit as I feel like laughting at him about what he say. I got surprise when he asked me "you first time late is when?" as I thought he already forgot that I got late to school before. I wonder why he didn't forget it, it is his brain memory was very good. Until now I still remember on 05 August 2008, I late to school for the first time and the people who wrote me the late latter is Alvin Tan "Ang Mo". I won't forget him forever as he is the one who wrote me the late letter. I hope he won't be angry after seing what I write about him in my blog. I wrote many thing about him in my blog but I wonder why only he found 2 only. I wonder if he know what is "Ji Nian Che". I hope to give him write but I didn't know whether he know what it is about.

I chat with David tan when I arrive at school. He didn't want to teach me about what I ask, what I know is he ask me to figure it out myself. My mood still very bad but I try to be strong. When I was on my way to Kerry, I meet up David Tan and Wong Yun Ru. I got surprise when I meet them. If David Tan told me they are going to Kerry, I can follow him walk go to Kerry as I also want to go there too. But if I follow him will I be the light buld. Don't angry David Tan, just kidding. I went to fourth floor to eat my lunch with Mary. After finish my lunch, my mother went back home while I and Mary went to Popular to read our favourite story that is ghost story book. We meet Koo Warn Ling when we were looking our ghost story book. I wonder what she was thinking as when we were reading our book, I she like blurr king didn't know thinking of what thing. She accompany go to wash room to wash my hand. When I was on the way going out from Popular to washroom, I see Robin Ong Ting Yu was standing near the game shop calling someone. I asked Warn Ling to help me block me from being see by him as I didn't dare to face him. I was so scare to meet him as from January he has being waiting for my answer to be his girlfriends. I quickly wash my hand and come out from the washroom. I saw him standing there chatting with two girl. I think one of them must be his girlfriends as already 10month he have being waiting for my answer but I didn't return his answer. When I was on my way back to Popular to went to chat with Kok Yi Sheng who is playing game near the cd shop. After a while I went back to Popular again as Mary and Warn Ling were in there reading books. I meet up Shadow Wong Qi Ren when I was about to went in to the Popular. To me if I meet a people I would say hello but he say what. What kind of attitude is it. But I already use to it. I went back to chat with Yi Sheng as he was calling me. He want to lend handphone from me but I didn't bring my handphone as my handphone was very expensive.
Posted on Thursday, October 16, 2008
I still very sad and depress. I didn't meet him today. Finally I think I can face the true already. Miss Liyana teacher was very frustrated with me as I didn't know how to do the account homework. I have no choice and asked Jason Tan to teach me how to do it. As Jason Tan was teaching me, I feel that he is a very scary person as when I didn't know how to answer what he ask he will scold me. Alvin Tok Su Khoon asked Jason Tan how to say the "Akaun Perdagangan" in english butJason Tan didn't want to tell him as Alvin Tok like to show off like he is the smartest guy in our class. ALvin Tok begged Jason Tan to tell him and Jason Tan asked him it is him praying for God. I feel like laugthing at it as Jason Tan wasn't the God, why Alvin Tok begged to him like begged to God. When I was playing my 3X3 rubix cube the bus ticket man askes me to show him how I play as I just finish solving it. I mix up all and try to solve it in 2minutes. I wonder if I learn early from Jeremy Chiew then I maybe can solve it in 57second but it too late. The bus tickety man told me that he didn't know how to solve it. I can't believe what David told me today. He say he is going to sell his S500I for only RM350. He want to sell it to buy a Sony Ericsson K850I for RM1000. I don't think it a very good idea but is his choice.
Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I went to school by my Uncle's car. When I was on my way to school, my uncle advice me to study well so after I finish studying form5 can go to his company to work. He say he will find a suitable work for me like staying in the office for the whole day no need to go outside. As my uncle was working in Panasonic company so if I study hard I can go there work. But I hope it won't very difficult for me to work at there as there were many thing like batteries and electrical thing. I was very glad hearing what my uncle told me. But I prefer working at Singapore as I like Singapore very much. I can't even sleep well this few days. This few day I feel like dying as I didn't have mood to eat. Until now still keep on thinking about what I know about monday night. I didn't talk to him today. I really didn't want to see him face but I keep on seing his face wherever I go. When it was resec time, I went to Koperasi to look for Fong Sweet Er as I got something to ask them. I get more frustrated as Lim Ying Jun didn't let me go into the Koperasi. He keep on blocking my way. I hear Voon call me from the car park. I didn't hear what Voon say as I was busying pushing the Koperasi door as Ying Jun about to lock it. I use all my energy to push the door and I fail to push it to open. I was hoping that I tomorrow have time to come out from my class so I can see how Jeremy Chiew play the rubix cube in 57second. I really need to learn from him so that I can win that stupid Hoh Kah Bao as he challege me many time. As I see Siow Yee Jie's mathematics exam paper, it was very easy to me. But Jeremy Chiew say it was very hard. I though that Jeremy from 3UIA may not say hard but he say it. I wonder if to them are really hard. I chat with Hariz again when he was on his way going home. I told him to keep my secret as my secret only Peter and him know. I didn't want other people to know about it. I hope both of them will keep my secret. I meet Venejagen and Vivinkan at City Square bus stop. I just know that noth of them are from St John and Kadet Polis member. I didn't know they were very active as always in tuition centre they were very lazy like me too. Haha...
Posted on Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I didn't sleep well yesterday as I keep on thinking about what happen yesterday. Although I really hope to forget about what happen yesterday but I still can't do it. When I wake up early morning today, I realise that I can't forget about the true I know yestesday. My heart still full with depress and sadness. I really didn't know how to do. Can anybody tell me how to do to forget something that is very hurt, please do tell me. As I say I hope to forget about this person but I can't bear to do as I also talk to him today. Maybe I just need sometime to forget him. I arrive at school as usual time. I was very frustrated again as that Shawn Yong still doing the same thing that is saying about Hariz and me. I wonder when this gossip will finish. Mr Heng called me and Lau Jing Yu to take our salary. I and Jing Yu got the same ammount that is RM18 only. Then Mr Heng told me to find our Koperasi member from 5sn1, 5Sn2 and 5SN3. Firstly I went to 5SN2 to find Raymond Seah but Miss Siew told me that he didn't turn up in school today. Then I went to 5SN1 to find Peter Pang Ming Wei, Ong Kar Wei, Ishqi, Chia Sing Yen and Lau Bih Jun. Mrs Ong can't hear I was knocking at the door after a while only she answer me. But Peter Pang Ming Wei and Ong Kar Wei didn't turn up in school also. Actually I didn't feel like going to 5SN1 class as they can't stop gossiping me and Hariz. Luckly they didn't say anything when I went into the class. Luckly Syamilah got come to school when I go find her is Miss Yong in the class it make me didn't feel like going into the class too. I feel very bad as the whole day I was pretending that I was very happy as I actually was in a very bad mood. I can say when were having our addmath class the whole class were making noise with shouting loud. I, Gelvin Chong Kwi Ching, Collin Ching Chun Yuen and Ong Chyi Earn were chatting together about online game, psp player, Singapore nasional servis, Malaysia nasional servis, handphone and artis. I went to City Square Popular to buy diary book. I saw Justin were at the cd shop. He was play around making the alarm of the Popular to make noise. He was alone as his friends Ng Wei Liang was dating with girlfriends. I went to my neighbour's house about 4:45pm as my mother and my neighbour want to go pasar malam together. I was very angry with the Pei Xuan as she keep on disturbing me and Pei Sze. Pei Sze tell me about the epop magazines story as I didn't know how to read chinese word. I get even more frustrated as one bee come into my house and I try many idea to get it out from my house. It come in my house about 8:30pm as I just about to start playing my favourite online game. I fail to get it out from my house as the bee keep on flying around my house living room. Finally after it feel dwon to the floor and I quikly ran to beat it up. Finally I get it out from my house about 9:30pm. I already waste my half an hour time with that bee. Same with yesterday didn't eat much as still in a very bad mood. After finish my dinner, there is a baby bee come into my house again. I waste my 15minutes to get it out from my house. What a very bad luck day. Nothing to say much as my heart still very depress.
Posted on Monday, October 13, 2008
I went to school as usual time. My class was change to 4Seni2 as the PMR student were using our class. I was very nervous as SPM only left 30days. I read my favourite comic book that is "Crayon Shin Chan". Our school make so much noice until Mrs Gan Siew Lin come over our class to scold us. After Mrs Gan has gone, Mrs Habibah turn up in our class and scold us again. I chat with Dickson as it was resec time. Then as usual time, I chat with Alvin Tan and Jason Ku about computer again. Jason Ku asked me if I was thinkng about my boyfriends as he see my blurr thinking of something. When I asnwer yes just to make fun of them, both of them asked me is it really. Alvin Tan say to ma that he is more better than my boyfriend. Although I know he is jokking with me but al least it make me laught. I just realise one thing is I know many student from my school is PBSM. Before went back Mr Hakim also turn up in our clas scold us again. What a very bad day as it only our class being scold. I meet Terence Heng Wei Hao as he called me from between of my class. I was very surprise to see him as I didn't see him at school for a very long time. Dennis Bannister told me that Terence Heng has change school to the "Omega" near New York hotel. A very boring day in school today. I wonder if this year PMR was easy. I hope Jeremy Chiew would tell me how was the exam. At here I wish him luck too as he was my "teacher of rubix cube". "All The Best And Good Luck". Today I realise I make a mistake and I regret to know the true from my friends. Maybe I should know the true as the true really make me hurt very much. But since I already know the true so I hope avoid from seing this person's face. I didn't hope to see him or even talk to him. I realise actually I can't do it but I have too as I have no choice. I hope there is someone who is willing to share my problem with me or hear my problem. But I know there is nobody willing to do that so I didn't hope too much. But what I know is today I was full of depress and sadness. But there is a people say he willing to share my problem with him but I didn't know whether he is telling the true a not. I was in a very bad mood so I didn't eat much. I hope can meet my prince very soon. 
Posted on Sunday, October 12, 2008
I wake up very early as my tuition only left three times. I was very sleepy during the math tuition lesson. But Mr Lawrent Chua keep calling me to answer, so I keep forcing my eye to open. When I come out from the washroom, I saw Shawn Yong and Kang Kai Xiong who is standing beside him. I purposely push Shawn as he always make fun of me. But luckly he didn't fell down. I think that panda bear Shawn won't fall down although a fat elephant knock him down. Haha... At least now feel sorry for Shawn as I push him from behind without him notice. I hope he won't angry as he always make fun of me too. But anyway "Sorry Shawn". Other people I won't say sorry but it because you look too scary and I very scare you mind take revenge so is good for me to say sorry to you. I asked Twang Jing Shun if Shawn were a very scary person but Jing Shun told me that it depend on the Shawn mood. So I was thinking if he was in bad mood when I pushes him from behind. Until now still feel very sorry toward him. I wonder if he really is a scary person. I went to Kerry with Michelle Lim and Michael Lim as I didn't have tuition at 3:45pm. I wonder if Shawn did see my blog before because my chatter box got people post "5 sn 1's friend: did u meet our classmate , Hariz ??? i ". I wonder if Shawn who post this thing. I hope this people who post this thing please tell me who are you, thank.
Posted on Saturday, October 11, 2008
Today I wake up early about 8:30am. I went to school by my neighbour's car. I saw Ho Yeong Joo, Marcus Tan Ekay and Arther Neo Jun Chen already at the Taman Koperasi sweeping the floor. I was talking with Marcus Tan about the rubix cube's formula. I still can't understand with Jeremy Chiew's formula until now. I only understand about 10% of it. Firstly I partner with Marcus Tan but Mr Hang later change my partner to Gash. I prefer Marcus to be my partner as he was the same belt with me. All the member of Taekwondo went to the trial test except me. I was very sad that I can't go to the trial test as Mr Hang told me that I have to training more than half year only can go to the black belt 1st Dan. I was very hopely I can go to the test but have no choice to wait for half year. I think I will go after I came back from national servis.

I walk to school today as my uncle went to meeting at KL. I arrive to school about 7:10am as I wake up late today. I wonder why my life was so bad luck and worst than other people's life. I was leading a very bad luck life. What I sawis my friend's ;ife more better than me as what they want also they got. For me I have to earn it by myself. Why I was treat to lead this kind of life. Is it my fate to lead this kind of life? I meet my neighbour when I was on my way home. My fifth floor neighbour lost her money that cost RM 170. It not a small sum to me. I and my third floor neighbour help to find the money together but we end up nothing. I think somebody saw the money and took it. To me my third floor neighbour her first daughter was a very scary person then follow by the third daughter. The second daughter was not very scary to me as I always play with her. The first daughter was very scary as sometime when people call her, she won't answer. The third daughter was very scary as she like to pinch people when she lose so game.
Posted on Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Finally I asked Jeremy Chiew to show me how he play rubix cube. Actually I didn't dare to ask him to show me but I dare myself to ask him to show. But I wonder why he need to take his formula out only can solve the rubix cube. I though he use common sense to solve it. At least today I see him solve the 2X2 rubix cube. But I hope to see him solve 3X3 rubix cube. At here I would like to wish all the form3 student Good Luck for their PMR. Especially John Daniel, Jeremy Chiew and other student too. How dare Hoh Kah Bao laughting at a people who need formula to solve the rubix cube. Maybe Hoh Kah Bao think he was too smart. Actually he is a brainless people who like to say about other people. Useless people like him is not a good habit to follow. Alvin Tan told me that he can't online anymore as his modem was being strike by lightning. I feel like laugthing at him. I beat Shawn Yong as I saw him because I was very angry with him as he always keep on calling Hariz name when he saw me. Marcus Tan told me not to ask Steven Hon anymore ask Steven Hon was in love with Suann. I feel it very funny as I never say I love Steven Hon before. I hope they will stop saying about Steven Hon to me. I went to see Mr Razak's blog. I realise that our school have their own website. It was create on 27 December 2007. If got anything just email it to sritebraujb@yahoo.com. I found it quite interesting so I register as a member. Those who interest to view it please go to this website http://sritebraujb.zzl.org/. Only Pei Pei, Liam Hui Ching Gan Sze Loong and Kwa Hui Lynn asked me about the school website. I chat with Voon Soon Kang in msn. I was very scare of him as he look very scary like Sim Yee Siang. Until now the misunderstanding between me and Hariz still haven't over yet. As Voon Soon Kang still saying that Hariz is my "Bao Bei" in english is "Baby".
Posted on Tuesday, October 07, 2008
I arrive school as usual time. Mrs Fatdillah told us it was her daughter's birth time as her handphone reminder rang. Mr Razak told the whole class that only 17 people pass the malay exam while 18 of them fail. I was very nervous when Mr Razak was calling those name who pass. I only hear that three boys name were called out while the rest no. Finally, I hear my name being called by Mr Razak. He told me that I was luckly that I got 40% for my malay exam and that make me pass. I was very happy with my result. While that Hoh kah Bao who think himself were very smart has fail his malay exam. I feel like laughting at him as he always laught when I fail in any subject. Voon from 5SN1 add me in msn. I was very surprise that he know my msn add. I wonder where he get it and because of that I only realise that not only Shawn who like to say about Hariz and me. Yee Siang also same with Shawn who like to say about me and Hariz.
Posted on Monday, October 06, 2008
Arrive at school as usual time. Fish didn't attend to school today as she need to went to see doctor. I was hoping to get my malay exam marks but teacher told us that he will give it tomorrow. I realise my school now have even more mosquito as I was bitten by them until my leg has many red spot appear. I only realise those red spot after I went back home. I went to library and meet up John Daniel Soong Wen Hao and Jeremy Chiew. I didn't dare to go ask Jeremy Chiew about the cube as there were many friends beside him that I didn't know. But later I dare myself to go ask him about the rubix cube. What I know is the whole day, I keep on bend my head to the left side as I scare displin teacher would catch my hair as my hair style was very weird. I meet Hariz at Leisure Mall bus stop. I asked why his school t-shirt shoulder got tear. He tole me that he and Shawn Yong were playing punch each other shoulder. He didn't realise his t-shirt got tear until is was about going back time only he realise it. Hariz say maybe that Shawn Yong puch him too hard until tear his shoulder. I feel like laughting at Hariz as he walk he keep on pulling his t-shirt. Haha...
Posted on Sunday, October 05, 2008
Today is the last day of holiday for me to rest but I have to tuition for 6hours. I was very frutrated as I have to tuition for 6hours. Zhi Xian arrive very late to class and he was sleep walk. The whole class got shock when he walk into the class. I can say the whole day he was sleeping in the class. He only wake up a while when Mr Chua told him that Admin is on the way. I finish my Singapore english work in 1hour. Actually Mr Andy told us to do only two essay but I finish three essay as I feel very bored in the class.
Posted on Saturday, October 04, 2008
I wake up about 9:30am as I already promise Tay Pei See to get her thing at "Summer Wind". Actually I didn't know where is the place. I went to "Danga City Mall" to cut my hair. When I arrive at the mall I can't find my cousin that is Paul Lee's saloon. I walk from 1st floor to 3rd floor. I found his saloon at the 3rd floor. Those who want to know more about their saloon please visit their blog that is newzsalon.blogspot.com. Or visit their saloon at Lot.3.93, Level 3, Danga City Mall, Jalan Tun Adbul Razak, 80000 Johor Bahru. Paul told me that not only me in this "Lee" family who goes to the nasional servis. Alex Lee also being choosen to go there too. I was glad that not only me who being choosen to go there.

Wake up about 10:00am because I have tuition. My whole body was very pain after playing badminton with my neighbour from the next block. Today Mr Cheng was in a very good mood when he teach in class. He say is because Suhairi didn't appear in the class so he was in a very good mood. Mr Cheng answer every question that I ask. this is the first time he did that. Today in Add Math class only 5 people attend. All the rest maybe still celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Today is the first ever not boring in Add Math class. Suddenly I would like to talk about this XXX people as he always make my frustrated with it very much. It actually have a very bad atitude. I didn't tell it about it own bad atitude. It always say about people's bad atitude but it didn't think of itself. Sometime I even feel like slap to it face hope that it should think before saying about other people. I hope if it was seing this blog, hope it would change it atitude toward people. Another people is my mother. She can't stop say the same thing or the same word to me. I sometime even can't stand about her. I hope to get out from the house soon so that I won't hear about her rattling.
Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2008
I wake up very late as yesterday I watch "The Lord Of The Ring". I watch until 1:30am so I today wake uo about 9:20am. I nearly forget that I promise my neighbour to go to the Sultan's palace. I also took many picture when I went to there. I wonder how it look. I hope Jeremy Chiew will post some comment about those picture I took. I hope I didn't type his name wrongly as aI see he comment about I write his name wrongly.