Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2008
Although today is National's day but I still have tuition. I wake up about 7:20am. I take about 8pieces of sushi that my father brought from Singapore yesterday to tuition centre. I was very hungry at that time. I hope to arrive at tution Omega early so that I can have my breakfast. I arrive at Omega tuition centre about 8:25am. I know I already very late so I take two pieces of sushi and eat it quickly before I enter the class-room. I sit near Zhi Xian. Zhi Xian wear quite smart today no wonder my class people like him so much but I didn't feel he look very good. Maybe one day only I feel he look quite not bad. But for now no. Haha... Nearly forget, today also is the opening day of Danga City Mall. My cousin that is Paul Lee will open his own salon in the shopping mall. I hope to visit his salon to have my hair cut. Anyway congratulation to his and Good Luck to him too.
Posted on Saturday, August 30, 2008
I wake up about 9:30am. I actually planning to go for my Taekwondo club training as I already 1month didn't go to training. But my mother told me if I go today, that mean I have to pay RM20 just for today's training. It was very waste of money. So I didn't go for the training today. I straight turn on my computer when I wake up. I watch "Fashion 70" on 8TV. I wake until 1:00am midnight. I didn't went out the whole day but just watching tv at home.
Today it was a very boring day at school as I have about 1hour 30minutes free time as I didn't take chinese subject. Mr Brain Cheng Wui Leap lose to Shadow Wong Qi Ren in their talk. It was very funny. I try to make fun of teacher when I was in the Add Math tuition subject..
Posted on Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I arrive at school as usual time. I can see David standing outside his class-room. I went to talk to him. I learn a lot of thing from him. He tell me a lot about anti-virus thing and heaker. I told him to take care of my baby but will he do all his best to take care of my baby very well?. I still didn't know as my computer caught virus yesterday night. I went to canteen with Kwi Ching and Yu Xian. Dickson came to meet me and take my rubix cube and stand where he duty place and play with it. I wonder if he really can finiah play thre rubix cube.
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Today I arrive at school as usual time. When I walk pass by 4ICT class, Marcus Tan called me. Firstly I and Marcus Tan were chatting our gossip thing but after a while Daniel Wong and Alex Chin join in our gossip.
Posted on Monday, August 25, 2008
I arrive at school as usual time. I feel very hot today after sick for a few days. When I was on my ways to class, I was hoping that my class room the fan won't off as everyday before school holiday the fan was off because of the electricity fault.

I wonder if I really got dengue fever because until now still haven't recover from sick. I was very scare to go to test my blood. I arrive at tuition centre about 8:20am. When I was about to went to upstair that is my class-room, I saw Tan and Koh were in front of me but they went to toilet while I went into class to have a short sleep as I yesterday didn't sleep. I didn't sleep well yesterday becasue my mother keep on bothering me until I can't even sleep a while. I just sit near the door but after Mr Chua come in, I change my place to the front so I can see the word writen by Mr Chua very clearly. Zhi Xian make noise when he hear Mr Chua saying the class-room like Pasar Malam. He also take my crocodile mouth and put all the rubbish into it. I knonw he did something on my crocodile but I just ignore him as he always behaving like this since last year. When I pass up the graph paper to Mr Chua, he told the whole class about my mistake and he got very angry with it. Then Zhi Xian offer to help me to draw it again for me. When I pass my paper to him, he offer Tan to help me and Tan offer Jing Yu to help me then Jing Yu offer koh to help me. But in the rnd Tan take back and help me to draw it. I feel very weird as Tan was very scary never help people but I wonder what make he willing to help me to draw the graph. I feel very sick today so I just end it like this but when I recover from sick I will write more about what had happen today.
Posted on Saturday, August 23, 2008
This is my fairy horoscope for this week as I check at MERMAID ~ From 26/07 to 18/08 : It's kind of a weird period for you, but if you can focus on your family stuff, you can do a lot of good. If you've got younger siblings, at least one of them needs guidance, but doesn't know how to ask…MAGIC HARMONY : Fortune smiles upon you !
I wake up about 6:15am. I feel tired but what to do I still have to wake up early so I can prepare my thing and go for a trip to Kluang. I arrive at Johor Bahru about 2:20pm. I straight get off a the kerry bus stop there. I went to tuition about 3:00pm. I know that I already late to tuition so I went to level 2 with Wen Ya, Chong Yeng and Hui Ching. Actually I want to post some of the picture that I take during the trip but I still haven't finish with it so those who like to see it please be patients. I will post it as soon as possible when I already finish it.
Posted on Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Yesterday I sleep very late. I went to sleep about 1:00am. Because I was playing online game with Henry. I didn't know that he was so smart as he just start playing the viwawa online game. When I was about to went to sleep all of the sudden I feel very cold. I can't even sleep althought I was laying on my bed. I wake up again about 2:30am. I call my mother to give me medicine because I think I already got cold as yesterday I caught rain when I went to Kerry. After eating medicine, I went to sleep again. I wake up again about 3:30am and took some bread to eat. I wake up very early today because my mother keep calling me to go eat my medicine. My neighbour took me to see doctor. Doctor suspect I got dengue fever. Doctor told me to alert of my health. He told me if after 5 days I still have fever and not yet recover, I need to go to see him again and he is going to take my blood to test whether I got dengue fever a not. Doctor told me not to go to anywhere as I was very ill. He even told me if I friday still haven't recover, I could't go to Air Hitam with my classmates to visit cow platation. I was very sad about it. I hope I didn't get any dengue fever.
Posted on Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Boring... Doing nothing but my english project that I ahven't pass up to Mrs Fatdillah. I was very upset with my computer because I can't download window messenger. I went to Omega to find Sarah to give her thing that she buy from me. I got surprise when I go to see David's blog. He got write about my baby. Haiz... But never mind as long he didn't forget to help me take good care of my baby. Maurice try to solve my problem today but it end out fail. He also send me the website that David Yesterday send to me called me to use it to download window messenger but both end out fail. David say to me that I already old and that make me want to ..... him because hello, people will get old one day.
Posted on Monday, August 18, 2008
Very sad that I can't use my window messenger. But David was here to help me solve my problem. He was there to help me wherever I need help. Boring holiday.
Posted on Sunday, August 10, 2008
Today Yoga is going to Kerry to promo his album. Below is his picture that my friends took it when they were inside the redbox with him. 
Posted on Saturday, August 09, 2008
Today F.I.R is going to City Square to promo their concert that is going to held at KL. Below is their foto I took during their promo tour.

Posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Today was a very happy day. I was very excited because our class 5SP1 and 5SP2 were going to a trip to Skudai to see muchrooms platation. Those were the picture we took during the trip.
Our camera man Mr Aaron Tay Meng Yang. He was very busying taking picture of our trip.
This is the rubber estates. This is where they get all the rubber.
This is the machine where they use to make the rubber.
This is how the rubber look like after the process being make through it.
This is where they plant the mushroom.
Mr Anuar, our agriculture teacher. He quickly got his post when my friends was taking foto.
We can see these people were busy cooking lunch for all of us.
While waiting for our lunch, we queue to get our drink that is orange juice. We can say these drink also finish by we all. it was because we were very thirsty after visiting the whole mushroom platation place.
Our lunch, abalone mushroom soup. It was very delicious until the soup was finish by all of us and the only left is the hicken meat.
Alvin Tok was very hungry until he want for more mushroom to fill up his stomach.
This is where the place we have our rest after having our lunch.
These group of weird people were waiting car to pass by so that they can say "GoodBye" to them even they didn't know who they are in the car.
As you can see these group of people were fooling around by saying "GoodBye" to every car who passed by.
Their actions were so embarrassing people. Those cars may think they all are weirdo people who just came out from jungle. As you can see the guys witht the hat is Maurice. People may thought he got cancer because of him wearing that hat. How funny it was. Maurice may probably kill me if he see what I write about him. Ha ha...
As you can see they already say "GoodBye to many cars. They didn't feel shy of themself.
Start standing form the left side is Mr Man Lee Yean Zoe Zon, Collin Ching Chun Yuen, Spider Yong Kuo Wei, Old Man Lau Sze Hao, Tok Man Alvin Tok Su Khoon and Miss Fish Yee Huei Min.
All of their action were so funny until I can't stop laughting at them.
Even motorcycle also they won't let it off. I think this motorcycle were thinking that this people were nuts.
As you can see it Jing Yu only stand aside seing them doing weird thing that people may think they are crazy people.
This cows were very pity when I went to see them. It was becasue I see some of my friends pull their tail and those cows keep on calling "Moo Moo". I think those cows were yalling pain.
This tyre represent the address of the place. Siew Ting help me to take this picture.
Starting first line from behind left side is our class monitor, Hoh Kah Bao, Jason Tan Jia Sen. Wond Hong Piau, Yong Kuo Wei, Lim Soo Ken, Lau Jing Yu, Lau Sze Hou, Alvin TokSecond line is Sam Wen ya, Koh Chong Yeng, Liam Hui CHing, Yee Huei Min, Chong Kwi Ching,
Last row is Lee Yean Zoe Zon, Gan Yong Teck, Me, Maurice Ryan Downs, Colling Ching Chun Yuen
Posted on Tuesday, August 05, 2008
I today wake up at 7:15am. I got fright when my mother call me to wake up and told me that I already late for school. I wake up and I realise sun already rise so I thought it was saturday because every saturday when I wake up always sun already rise up high. I told my mother didn't bother me sleeping as it was saturday so I sleep back. My mother told me that yesterday I went to pasar malam so today is tuesday. I got a shoke and quickly went up from my bed. When I got up I nearly knock the wall because I feel very dizzy. I quickly take my bath and went to school by taxi. I got very angry that my mother off my alarm as she was't very bad mood this few day but I didn't know what the reason she angry with. When I arrive at school it already 7:42am. Alvin Tan wrote my name in the "Pas Datang Lewat" paper. Miss Siew and Pn Sheela was standing at the car booth there. I got very frustrated that this is my first time late to since form 1 until now. I can say I just create a guiness book of record. Haha... I saw Yi Sheng and Ming Sen also standing at the car booth there waiting Alvin Tan to finish wrtiting there name. They also late to school today. I got very angry with what happen to me today. I thought I yesterday went to sleep very early but end up late to school today. When I went into the class-room, I saw all my classmate were chit-chatting in group. I was there sitting alone doing nothing. When it already 8:10am, all student from 5SN1, 5SN2, 5SN3, 5SP1 and half of the student from 5SP2 and 5PA went to the hall to hear a talk. I was very tired, headache and dizzy as I wake up late today. I sit beside Kwi Ching. I know this talk would be very boring. I nearly sleep in the hall today but luckly Kwi Ching is there to wake me up when I was about to sleep. Luckly today dind't have any class tambahan or not I think I will die of tiredness. I went home by my uncle's car. I argue with Syuhaidah when she call me in phone about 7:30pm. and it cause me to miss my favourite korean drama that is "Surgeon Bong Dall Hee". She want to srgue with me because of a small matter. She told me to wear the Taekwondo trouser as it will look more suitable with the Taekwondo t-shirt. I got angry as I and Marcus Tan were already got our own planning for tomorrow wear. Marcus Tan called me and he told me that he will settle Arther with the t-shirt. We got one reason why we didn't wear it because some of the member went to gym on tuesday night as it start at 8:00pm to 9:30pm as it was very late for those member to went home and wash their trouser. I thought Syuhaidah came from 3UIA so that she can use her smart brain to think why some people can't wear the trouser tomorrow. I was happy that tomorrow our class 5SP1 and 5SP2 were going Senai platation to see how cow give birth, how chicken lay egg and see some mushroom too. I can't wait the arrival of tomorrow.
Posted on Monday, August 04, 2008
When I wake up I realise that Henry got send me msg yesterday night but unfortunately my handphone didn't have any battery. What I know is that his school were better than my school. I went to school as usual time. I feel very sleepy as I went to Pc Fair until 9:00pm then only go home. At hall I fell a sleep. Got science subject but feel very boring as I keep on finishing what teacher give at the board then I have to wait for the whole class to finish copy them down. Jason went to sit with me when he forget to bring the "Kerusi" novel. I got sleep when Mr razak was teach in front of the class. I went late into the account subject. I saw Mrs Low were sitting behind our class-room. She was there to observe Mrs Liyana teaching technique. Mrs Fam didn't came to school today. The whole class was like crazy people play there and here. Mr Hakim spot check 4EA class. Maurice's handphone being taken by Mr Hakim as Maurice's junior give teacher the key of their Scout room. I went home by my uncle's car. About 4:30pm, I went o pasar malam to buy food for the family to eat. About 5:00pm, I went to Foon Yew1 to fetch my cousin that is now studying standard 2. It was quite boring at there so I was chatting with Henry using SMS.

I went to Koperasi to chat with my grandaughter as I always went there because I didn't take chinese subject. I receive a a birthday give from friends that is Chong Yeng, Kwi Ching, Huei Min, Wen Ya, Hui Ching, Ping Wei and Yu Xian. I was surprise when I receiving this birthday present. I thought I won't get any birthday present this year but it was out from my thought. Actually I wasn't in the good mood that time so Kwi Ching told me to open the present give. She say maybe I would be a good mood when I open the give they brought for me. When I open the present and it does cheer me up a bit. I got a pendrive 2GB brand Apacer. My mood got a bit better that just now. Actually I was plannign to buya pandrive but now I didn't have to buy it anymore as I already have it and what make me got a more better mood is that Kwi Ching already put some of my favourite movie that si Digimon and few song. I went to tuiton. Jing Yu told me that Alvin Tok got lover. His lover name is Mei Xuan. I and Jing Yu just keep on talking this name to Alvin Tok as he was very noisy in the class. When I and Jing Yu was talking this name, Alvin Tok would just keep on laught. I meet up Wei yang and he asked me to help him check out the price of 2GB pendrive. While talking with him, I meet up with Robin that is the people who woo me since January until now. I went to Pc Fair when I finish tuition add math subject. I saw Daniel Gay at there too selling antivirus cd. he stnad beside me when a guy was promoting the external hardisk to me. When finish promoting to me, Daniel straight call me to buy the antivirus from him. I saw Nono at there working too. I saw Calvin were at there too selling computer wires and other else. I saw many thing that I would like to buy at the Pc Fair. I went home about 8:30pm. I know it already late but I still want to go because Wei Yang ask me to help him check out the price of 1GB pendrive.