I arrive at school about 6:50am. Kah Bao keep on saying me that when I take the report card my parent and teacher talk to each other about 1hour. I rearrange my classroom. Hui Min didn't came to school today. I wonder why she didn't came to school since last week tuesday. I was sleeping when we were having assembly in the hall. I see many prefect from afternoon session came to school early in the morning. I went to Taman about 1:30pm. Vikneraj was walking in front me when I was on the way to Taman. I wentt o play the swing at the playground there. After play for sometime, I saw Alvin Tan was walking on the way to the Taman. I call his name but he didn't hear it. I think he is deaf because he was hearing song with his handphone that is Nokia 6300. He also join us playing swing. One thing that I can't believe is he went to the indian boy that was sitting at the upper there who is from form 3 and he took his half smoke. I keep an eye on him to see whether he is going to smoke it or not and he really smoke it but he only suck a little bit of the smoke and I think he can't take it cause I see him keep coughting. When I ask him what it taste like and he told me is bitter. Actually I thought he was a good guy that didn't learn any bad thing but until what he done today I feel that he already try to be a bad guy. Hope he won't try to smoke again as smoking is very bad to human's health like causing cancer or even died. He should think about the bad of smoking before trying it. Alvin Tan if you are seing this please take it as a concert as I didn't want to lose a friends. After a while he say he is going back home. I thought I can fight a basketball game with him but haiz... I ask his hadphone number and ask him to miss call to my handphone so I can know that is his handphone number. After that he just went home but before that haiz... I didn't want to say already because I scare being misunderstand by other people and also scare being misunderstand by him too. So I went back to play basketball with Gash. Only I and him was playing the baskatball at first but then all of the sudden all those indian boy who was play the swing came by to play with of us. Then I after boring playing baskatball with those guys I , Ros, Syuhaidah went back to play our swing. We were having very fun during we was playing at the Taman but all of the sudden a dogs came and try to chase Ros and Syuhaidah. Then all of the sudden "Tikus" I mean Chun Ngiap appear at the Taman there. I give him my handphone number so if got play baskatball can call him came and play with us. He told me that he is going home first to watch his TV at 2:30pm and is we all got play baskatball only he came back to the Taman because he live near by the Taman. Then Ros's boyfriend came to the playground there and play swing with us too. I saw Wei Liang and Mao Chuan was play baskatball at the baskatball bourt there. I try to call Wei Liang but he didn't answer me. I feel very angry about it. I thought he is deaf like Alvin Tan. After boring play swing we went back to baskatball court there and continue our planning about the performance. I call Ekay to dicuss with us the whole group. We talk a lot. After discussing I continue play baskatball with Gash and Syuhaiday's brother. Then after a short playing with them, Ekay call me to join them play baskatball with them. I same group with Gash and Syuhaidah's brother. Haiz... What a very loudsy group. After playing about 20 minutes then all of the sudden the rain drop by so we decide to stop playing baskatball. I plan to go back to school while Ekay they all planning to go to OC. So we ran go back to school there. I chat with Dickson all along when we was walking together in the school. He told me a lot about his thing and I told him my problem too. I hope he can help me solve my problem too. What I can say is wishing him quickly find his really true happiness. I went to 2UKM I talk with many student form that class. I finally saw how Dickson girlfriends look like already. About 4:30pm my mother and my uncle came to fetch me go to Pasar Malam to buy food for dinner. I went to Foon Yew 1 to fetch my cousin. It quite boring at there but I enjoying seeing Wushu Martial Art training.
Posted on Sunday, June 29, 2008
I arrive at tuition centre about 8:10am. I saw Jing Yu already sitting in the classroom. I wonder why he always aarrive at the tuition centre early than me. Zhi Xian didn't came to tuition today. I think he went to work so didn't came to tuition today. I didn't have tuition BM today.
Posted on Saturday, June 28, 2008
Today I wake up about 10:20am. I sleep very late yesterday. I stay at home the whole doing nothing but seeing television, doing homework and playing computer. I chat Msn with a guy name Hong Hong. Not quite very know who is him but what I know is he same birthday with me but only older me one year. Really hope monday can came quickly cause I want to play basketball with those 4ICT guy again. About 8:00pm I hear my neighbour level 1 quarrel with a guy didn't know from where. I hear they say about divorce. They quarrel very loud and I think all the neighbourhood can hear about it too. I take a test in http://www.winxclub.com/ about "Are You Sporty" and after answering all the question this is the answer ~ "You love sports and love to hang with boys. You are in good shape, have a favourite team and sporty friends. You never give up and always reach for a goal. You are notevasive or cynical, instead, you never mind to show people your sunny smile, and you are able to handle adversity in your own way. In a word, you are a sunny girl with charming smile!". I quite believe it as what it say is very true about me. I also got took a test about "In Love...With Love!" and after answering all those question this is the answer ~ "Wow! You adore romantic movies and stories and go always for romance! You take a while to fall in love with someone: trust takes time! You tend to give more than take in relationships, but when you find your “special one” you tend to get very attached: you want to see him all the time! Anyway love is never boring with you around as you're full of surprises! You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard! PS: sometimes, you secretly hope your partner will change for you…". I think it quite very interesting test for me to know more about myself. This is my winx horoscope "MERMAID - from 26/07 to 18/08Try not to judge others too severely and you will be able to understand your friends better! You may also feel a lot of pressure to continue doing well, and so study really hard to be the first in class. Don’t put so much stress on yourself!".

I arrive at school about 7:00am cause my cousin today wasting many time when she wake up. I talk with Samantha Wong and Jing Yu at the walk way there. We start to move all the thing for the Jumbo Sale from Koperasi to walk ways. I was in charge of it so I have to stand at there giving them order where the thing need to put. Haiz... What a busy day today. After half hour busying the Jumbo Sale, I ran go back to class to check how many people was in the class. I saw Jing Yu and his mother were talking to our form teacher. So I went back to the walk ways there to continue my job seeing them. I keep on seeing the Jeremy from 3 UIA was responsible taking our foto that is to prove to the "Angkasa" that we have do this activity to celebrate our "Koperasi Day". That Jeremy keep on taking our foto and I feel very surprise of his every action taking our foto surprisely. Actually not very hate him but I just feel like beating him only cause he keep on taking our most ugly foto. I mean we didn't comb our hair properly and he keep on snapping and taking our foto. I go to our school pavilion there to see how was APD sale and I saw Li De standing at there so I and Chua Shu Fen went to chat with him. He told me that the oil that APD use to fry the food become black already. Jeremy also told me that I keep on saying him that he keep on taking our foto without any beautiful post. Li De and Jeremy told me to post a beautiful post so that Jeremy can take my foto to avoid me from argueing but I refuse. I talk to Sze Yin about what happen on yesterday when I was playing basketball at the Taman. I only know that the guy who partner with me his name is Zhi Bing. Is quite a nice name. I also talk with him today. But what Sze Yin told me about Zhi Bing have gave me a big surprise. My parent start to talk with teacher 11:30am until 12:30pm. Wow... It about 1 hours. I can't believe it I got the most longest record. I didn't see Ting Yu at the tuition centre. I wonder if he did came to tuition. I talk with Wei Liang when I was walking up to the Block B. I chat with him a lot too. He is quite a very funny person and trying to make joke with anything but I think he is more better than all those guys from my school. I only know that Mr Cheng told me that Admin Staff got ask him how was my performance in the class. Arrive at home about 7:30pm.

Today is David Tan's birthday. I forget to buy present for him as I was very busy this month and also for the next month too. I hope he won't mad cause I really too busy until forget about his birthday.When I arrive at school I go in throught gate A and chat with Chun Ngiap. He was trying to change my keychain password. After finish chatting with him I straight continue my way go back to my class so that I can have some sleep but unfortunately I saw Ai Jin. She was asking me whether I can bring the book and lend her a not. When finish talking to her I thought I can finally go back to class for so sleep but I was surprise when got someone who was pulling my bag. When I turn and have a look, I saw it was David Tan. He gave me his sim card number for me to use it. Actually until now I didn't know whether Digi is a good line to use a not. We also chat a lot too. When go back to classroom I straight change my clothes into PJK shirt. When I was sitting in the hall, I can see Alvin Tan was very serious doing his prefect job. I didn't know he is such a serious person. As what he do always is very weird to me. I skip BM subject class. Kuo Wei is such a stupid person because when he saw me went back to class to put my book he quickly call teacher and say to teacher that I was trying to skip my BM subject class. When I went into the class I saw Jaisharn and Maurice was sitting at my place. I try to ask Soo Ken to lend me his chair but he refuse to lend me. I feel he is a very selfish person no wonder the girl he like didn't talk to him. Today a guy from somewhere came to our class to give some speech for our whole class about future we are going to decide when we all finish our SPM exam this year. Actually I that time already very moody because of the Mr Razak, I mean my BM teacher has took my History subject file. I didn't have any idea to take it back form him. I feel very frustrated him very much. When I was on my way go to canteen and to Koperasi, I saw Li De was scolding someone who was sitting at the canteen there. I think he is a scary person. What I know is many people I know is from PBSM and they sometimes look scary, moody, serious, funny, weird and many other strange face that I can see throught their face and looking too. I chat with David Tan before I was about going to the Taman there to play basketball. I go play basketball about 1:10pm until 5:00pm only we play finish. I was hit by a ball again but this time is I didn't purposely hit myself. But it was quite fun playing basketball. I partner with a guy but I didn't know what is his name while another partner with Ekay. Althought it was quite fun but Alvin Tan didnn't came to play so I got a little bit bored. I only go home at 6:45pm cause I was busying preparing tomorrow Jumbo Sale. Luckly I finish the preparation just in time or not I didn't know what to say anymore. While at Koperasi, Sweet Er, Shi Qi, Siew Kee, Rong and Xin Yu were helping me to pack the thing for tomorrow Jumbo Sale. I was luckly to have them to help me. Li De help me a lot when I ask him to help me move all those table to the walk way there. I very hate Jit Han. He keep on asking the same question when he meet me in school. He keep on asking whether this saturday got Taekwondo a not as we already told all the Taekwondo member last saturday. I can't understand why he keep on asking me non-stop when he meet me.

Pn Gan told we all that got policeman came to our school yesterday because got one Kancil car keep on tailing a girl from our school. That guy was in love with her. Pn Gan also say today 4ICT came to the hall very late. Jamie throw the stapler box to lemon but unfortunately the stapler box fell into Lemon's lunch box. It was quite funny. Jamie throw the box is because we make fun of her by saying she like Wei Hao. Many people do know she like Wei Hao. I with Jing Yu Skip class after recess time. We both skip class at Koperasi. We both hide inside the store-room. When were inside the store-room, Zoe and Lemon were inside too. They both look very weird when were inside the store-room together with Jing Yu. Zoe sit with Lemon side-by-side while I sit beside Jing Yu. Zoe and Lemon were taking their "Puppy Love" foto togehter while I was reading my comic book and Jing Yu were playing with his handphone. Zoe and Lemon was trying to capture the picture of Jing Yu and me when I put my hand at his shoulder. I didn't dare to make any sound cause if I do make any sound Mr Heng would know I and Jing Yu was hidding inside the store-room. I and Jing Yu go back to class only when is english subject. I saw Alvin Tan in Koperasi as that time he was suppost at his class studying. I think he also same with me skip class. He told me that he was having Bahasa Cina subject now but I still can't belive it as I always calling him "Ang Mo" but I didn't know he was really studying in malay school. But to me the "Ang Mo" name quite suit to him as for the first time I saw him. Jing Yu quickly hide at boys toilet when he saw our science teacher coming throught our way. I didn't notice her so teacher ask me it is I skip class. I went back to Koperasi to put my thing but what a surprise that is Alvin Tan was still in the Koperasi. Haiz... I think he is a skip class king. But actually he is a quite funny and not a bad person so time I can see he is very moody sometime look happy than other people does but also a little weird person too. I ask for his blog add but he didn't want to give me. He is such a .... guy. I hope he will give me his blog add. I stay back at Koperasi today. Xue Qi drop the shop bottle drop and I can see it the ourner of the shop very angry with it. I have no choose to take foto with Xue Qi because she begged me and Sze Yin to take foto with her. I go home about 6:00pm. I and Xue Wen walk together go to kerry bus stop. We go home late is because I was busying counting all the stock inside the Koperasi store-room. Today first time chat with "Ang Mo" in Msn. Finally he give me his blog add. I see his blog quite not bad. This poster I got it from Giant Mc Donald. It quite nice so I took it home. This movie also quite famous for now. 

I arrive at school as usual about 6:50am. I didn't go to meet David Tan as I today suppost to take the sim card that he is going to give me to use. I skip Bahasa Melayu subject with Jing Yu. We hide inside the Koperasi store-room. We chat a lot inside the store-room. I guess about 12:35pm I saw a gruop of boys from 5SN1 came to our class but at first I didn't know what reason they came to our class but I know after MIng Keat call me when I was talking to Kwi Ching. Ming Keat was asking me whether I got the "Kerusi" book a not. I give him two of the "Kerusi" book. He gave one to Ming Wei and one for himself. Ming Keat also told me that he will return to me when he had finish the BM subject. I feel like hitting Ming Soon as he is haiz... and I also feel like killing Kai Jie too. I think he is the same group of people like Alvin Tan. I think PBSM people are very weird. But they only the best when doing their duty. I like when they do their duty very responsible. I went to Giant with Ming Fang, Ping Wei and Mei Fong. After finishing eating we went back Taman where is behind our school. I saw Arther was sitting at there doing nothing neither practice also. So I just walk pass by him and went to play at the playground there. We play swing. Actually we saw Praveen play first then only we play together. After a while Ping Wei decide to go back to school to call her mother, Mei Fong ask me whether if I can company her to school then came back again. I say sure no problem at all. I went back to school with Ping Wei. We chat a lot when we were walking back to school. I saw Alvin Tan too but he say he was on the way going home. I though he is going to play basketball but want to go home. I straight go to Koperasi and take my back when we arrive at school. Then I went to toilet while Ping Wei went to office to call her mother. After that we both went back to Taman together. Actually my leg already cramp but that Ping Wei won't understand it. After a few minutes later they all say they decide to go to cut their hair at "Moca" salloon. So I went back to the Taman basket ball court. I saw Alvin Tan was playing basket ball with a group of people. While I thought he told me he is going home already. I play basketball with those group who was play with Alvin Tan. I wonder is Alvin Tan's playing skill were very good. Or he didn't know how to play basketball at all. Hope he can tell me that is he really know how to play basketball a not. I know that I only throw in 6 ball in the net only. Haiz... What a bad luck day and I also didn't know how to play basket ball too. The most worst thing is that I was hit by basket ball when I thought Ekay was try to lie me but actually it was true. But the thing is I didn't believe what he say so I was strike by the basket ball and those people who was at there know it and I feel very embarrassing for what has happen to me. I hope they forget about what happen cause it was very embarrassing thing to remember. Those group of guy was trying to "Aluba" Chun Ngiap but didn't success at all. While they all were trying to "Aluba" Chun Ngiap, Alvin Tan was taking video recording of the whole group that was trying to "Aluba" Chun Ngiap. I can see Alvin Tan also the bad guy too as he also interesting taking video of people being "Aluba". I wonder if he got post it in youtube website. I hear "Rainbow" by Jay Chou song at our school hall. Althought the group of people go home already, I still continue playing the basket ball with Wei Liang and I also ask him to teach me too. I thought a short guy like him won't struck any ball but he did strike 3 ball into the net. I still can't belive it. About 4:10pm only I went back to school to continue my preparation for the Koperasi Jumbo Sale. I saw many people was inside the Koperasi. I know they were saying about my hair style. They say my hair style look like my head was a bit weird. I just pretend that I didn't hear any of their conversation. I keep on staying inside the Koperasi store-room until 5:00pm. I went out of the Koperasi about 5:10pm to meet my mother and my neighbour so that they can fetch me home by car. I walk go up and down for twice at the Pasar Malam but still can't find them. After half hour already I only found my neighbour.
Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008
I arrive at school quite early today so I take out my account homework and try to do it. Chia wai ask me whether we are going to perform on the day that Japanese People are coming. I hear he say Kokurikulum Day is on the 12-07-2008. I feel it very weird as Mr -Heng told me and Arther that Kokurikulum Day is on 14-07-2008. Ai Jin keep calling me to company her go to toilet but I was very lazy to stand up so she go with Siew Kee. I go up to the stage for twice to take my certificate that Koperasi given to me. It was quite very embarrassing when I was going up to the hall. Jeremy keep on taking foto when we all go up to hall hall to take the certificate. Today I skip half hour of science class because I were at Koperasi doing something. Then when resec time I go to our school canteen to see how was our song requesting activities going on. I talk with Kai Jie and Andrew. I ask JIng Yu to help me take the Koperasi calender althought I know he would told me to take myself but I just know that he would help me take. Arther told me that tomorrow have to stay back for our Taekwondo training that we going to perform for the Japanese people that are coming to our school on 08-07-2008. I skip my account subject and moral subject. I with Jing Yu stay inside the Koperasi so that teacher won't found both of us who skip classes. I, Jing Yu, Ming Wei, Kar Wei and Ishqi were inside the Koperasi store packing our thing for the Koperasi Jumbo Sale that will be held on 27-06-2008. I and Jing Yu chat a lot together when were inside the Koperasi store room. Today also the first time that whatever I ask Jing Yu to help me, he also help me to do it together. I go bak to class when the bell rang. I help Jing Yu to take his back to Koperasi. Jing Yu broke the lamp when he was trying to help me to take the span that was at the top of the rak. But Jing Yu today realy help me a lot althought he was very playful for sometimes. I also told him to help me tomorrow because i tomorrow going to stay until very late about 6:45 pm. I was quite happy when he agree to help me out out to do the thing for our Jumbo Class together. I go home by my neighbour's car. I went to Foon Yew 1 in the eveining to fetch my cousin home. I saw Wushu Martial Art people were training very hard. I saw one student keep on doing the wrong step until all those student have to do the step again and again. I saw the girl who teach her also got very angry with him. I quite pity him.
This picture was the Hari Koperasi's souviner that Jing Yu help me take.
Posted on Sunday, June 22, 2008
I arrive at tuition class about 8:30am. I, Michelle, Micheal and Michael's friends went to Kerry together after finishing tuition our english class. I and Michelle go see the fashion show that being held at there. I just found that my cousin name is "Paul". He wave his hand at me when he saw me eating with Michelle Lim. I went back to tuition about 4:45pm. Mr Chua told me if he know that I would be late for an hour he would go back first then only came back to Koperasi.
Today it was quite boring day. I help Pn Khalijah to clean up all the "Jumbo Sale" thing. I sit with the same bus with Wei Liang and his friend. I argueing with Alvin Tok in the tuition science class. Ting Yu hair look very different from the last time I saw him. I didn't dare to go talk to him. So boring when tuition add math class. Go home same buses with Siew Loon and his friends. I hope that I can faster recover from my illness.
Posted on Thursday, June 19, 2008
Today I feel very bored, tired, sleepy and ill. I saw Kai Jie but just ignore him. We take Koperasi Foto about 11:00am. I Feel very sick after that. When bell already rang I still inside the class-room. Sweet Er and her friends take me back to Koperasi. Chun Ngiap came to the Koperasi and see if I got better a bit. Ming Fang and Sarah Lim help me get into my uncle's car. I arrive at home about 2:00pm. I straight start playing with my computer like surfing the internet. About 5:15pm when i was playing with my computer and eating my lunch, I hear somebody knocking the door very hardly until my house door is going to feel. But the first thing i thought it was my uncle or my neighbour because both of them like to knock my house door very hardly but I dind't expect it was the police who was knocking the door very hardly. When my mother came to the door only we knew that is a real police not fake police. So we imedially open the door. There were two police man. One wear the normal t-shirt and one more wear the Police Uniform. They ask how many people live in my house. As I was eating when he knock our door so my hand at that time was holding the plate of my rice that I just started to eat. But when the police man told us what happen, we got the most horror fright in our whole life. The most horror thing is that my block there, I mean that my house the flat stair case got many pool of blood. I wonder what happen actually. When the police told the whole story only I know that got one person who involve in a case of "Samun" which the police told me have already run away while one more have been capture by police when they were trying to run away. All the total is two criminal person who involve in this case but one have run away but the run away that one have already injure because being shot by the police when he was trying to run away. His injure place was at his rigth leg of his buttock and his injure place was still bleeding when he was running away. He ran to the Block 1 near my house to the Block 4 then to my block that is Block 8 then to the place where all the resident throw the rubbish at there. My neightbour that is a aunty told me all what happen when she was the criminal. This aunty stay at level 5 while I staty at level 4. This aunty was on the way going down when she saw a malay guy that was half laying at the level forth stair was using a handphone calling somebody and luckly the aunty notice that his buttock got many blood so the aunty quickly ran go back to her home but before that the criminal told to this aunty "Help Me". The aunty say when she went down one more time to the down stair, she saw the criminal was already at the rubbish area. Then all of the sudden got one black car came to the place and took him away. But until now I still didn't know who called the policeman to came. But what I saw is the police got draw down the maps where the criminal have left his blood at the place in his note book. Many police came to this area. I saw a man with camera was taking some foto of the blood. The policeman also got took some sample of the criminal's blood. I saw a dog that was bring along by the policeman went to the field near my house there. He took along the dog is to smell whether if the criminal go to another place. They say maybe the criminal has run to another place but for our resident safety the policeman took the dog to check out whether the criminal have run to other places. I was very scare at the moment when we were question by the police if we got saw the criminal a not. What a pity that I did't take the picture of the policeman who drag the dog to find the criminal people. I, mother and my neightbour form level 3 and level 2 came out to wash up the place about 7:00pm because the policeman told us that we only can start wash the place at 7:00pm. This is the first time I saw such many policemen who came to my house area. We finish cleaning the place about 8:00pm.
Today our school have foto taking session. Today I take Taekwondo foto. I went to Giant with Sze Yin, Fei Yee and Donna. Today got Chingay at my house there but unfortunately that my mother won't let me follow those people go for a walk. I can't understand what she is thinking about. Why can't I go with them to celebrate this event. Haiz.....Very sad. I saw Jia Bion, Harn Wen and Jian Boon at there too. I also saw Yi Ting, Yin Ying and other member of ST John from my school also at there. The Chingay came back about 11:40pm. It already very late so my mother won't let me go down to see it. I feel very worst about it. I was really hoping to go see the Chingay but my mother just won't let me go see it.
Posted on Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Today I have an arguement with Jason. Today take class fotograph. Being Scold By Mr Heng. Kah Bao got scold when he was trying to say me after I being scold by Mr Heng. It was quite funny when Kah Bao being scold by Mr Heng. Go to basket ball court with Arther to find Ekay. Doreen lost her pursue cause being take by people with out noticing it. We didn't stay back at school for our science subject. Boring day at school. Sze Yin didn't came to school today.
Posted on Monday, June 16, 2008
Today Sze Yin didn't came to school. It was quite boring as I got many thing that I would like to tell her about. We didn't go to the hall today.
Posted on Sunday, June 15, 2008
Today I got tuition. My tuition start from 8:30 am until 5:45 pm. It was quite very tired day. I chat with Wei Liang. He was playing with my "Rubik" cube. I went to office for some drink and chat with Mr Chua.
Posted on Monday, June 09, 2008
I went to Foon Yew 1. When it was about to go home time, the admin school staf fight with a guy who from outside. Actually is the Admin staf'swrong because he is the one who want to fight with the thin guy who is outside people. But unfortunately the thin guy win the fight althought the admin staf is quite very strong person. The admin staf injure his own head. His head keep on bleeding non-stop.
Posted on Sunday, June 08, 2008
I went to Kerry about 3:30pm. Before I went to Kerry I told Mr Chua that I going to cut my hair at Kerry about 1hour only I came back to tuition. I went to cut my hair with Michelle and Michael. I ask Paul to help me cut my hair. This is the foto after I cut my hair style. I hope it doesn't look very ugly. I like it very much as it was my cousin who help me to cut it. I finish cutting my hair about 4:30pm. While I already about left the "stage" salloon hair Michelle still haven't cut her hair and she told me to tell my cousin to help her cut her hair. After telling my cousin I went back to tuition my Math cause Mr Chua is waiting for me at Omega to give me extra tuition classes.
I went back to tuition about 4:45pm. I thought I was going to be very late but luckly I arrive just in time althought it only left 1hour for me to tuition.
Today I got tuition. I already very tired and i didn't feel like going to tuition but I have to go so as my mum already told me to go to tuition. But i already very sick and ill. My nose bleeding when I was tuition Bahasa Melayu subject.