Posted on Saturday, May 24, 2008
Today I got add class. I arrive at school about 7:30am. I was very tired but what to do i have to attend the add class or not teacher will take some action toward me if I didn't go to school. I go to Omega today cause I got tuition BM subject today. I arrive at the tuition centre very early so i straight went to the office and told the clerk that i going to the class for replacement andwhen she hear that she start argueing with me not to go into the class for tuition.
Posted on Saturday, May 17, 2008
Today I got Taekwondo training. I feel very tired when I was training. Today too many thing need to wirte in my blogger. That is Pei Hua like Benjamin. Vincent like Shu Qi while Joanne like Jing Poo. I know this kind of story very funny and very weird but what to say is love.
Posted on Friday, May 16, 2008
Today is Teacher 'S Day. It was quite very fun hearing all those chinese band from our school sing song.

Today I go to school by walking. I feel very tired when came into the class-room but i quickly went o Koperasi and fotostast my important thing. When arrive at the main door of Koperasi, I saw Jian Xiong & Xue wen were in the Koperasi shop. They were very lazy until told me to help them in Koperasi. When finishing helping them, I quickly went back to class as I have the Agriculture Exam. The whole class scolding me for telling teacher they copy answer in class but actually I didn't tell at all but I was being misunderstands by all those class people. Nobody understands how I feel when I was being scold for the thing I never done it before. They didn't check it properly and blame everything on me. I enjoy calling Thien Hui name "Pokemon" that involve into "Ditto". I have to went all the ways to Form 1 class to find a girl that fotostast something at Koperasi but dissapear after resec is over. I have to went o the class I hate most to go in that is 1UMS. Inside that class got one of my junior in Taekwondo who like to talk to me or keep calling me when he feel that I look like very feel but actually I was very busy. Many people say can see he like me but please, he is a little who only 13 years old while I already 17 years old and if same age I also won't like him because he is a very bored guy who like to bother me. I feel very frustrated with him so some long time. I really hate him very much for bother me when I was very busy and sometimes even call my handphone to talk to me about nonsence thing that I won't like to talk about it.
Today I go to school by walking. It was very tired that I have to walk go to school. I wasn't very happy with what happen today. At first when the whole just started our history test about 7:40am, Pn Gan came into our class and called some student name that need to attent to some quiz at SIGS School. I was quite scare that teacher will call my name. When I lay down my head I hear teacher called my name. I wasn't happy because I have to cancel my tuition class because of this stupid damn qiuz. The whole class copy answer from book only I the one who sit like stupid people seeing people copy cat.
Today I have Account exam. It was quite boring to have that kind of stupid subject exam. I didn't know how to answer the whole for the account paper one and account paper two. Mr Yip today bring two duckling to our tuition Omega Centre. When it time to go home already, I, Jing Yu and Alvin Tok go take a look at those duckling and catch them to play with.
I feel very sleepy when I arrive at school today. Nothing special today but sleeping in the class. I was happy that finally Mrs Lim had came back after giving birth. When I was waiting bus at the bus stop near the City Square I saw a couple that is weraing student uniform, Them were taouching each other's cheek, face and chin. I can feel that it is very yuck!!!!!
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008
Today I wake up at 07:00am. I actually already feel very tired after doing my morals project yesterday. When I went to tuition I was very sleepy. I arrive to the tuition centre just in time. Today I went to eat with Kui Yeng a girl from SMK Seta. I today late go to tuition my Singapore English Subject. Luckly teacher wasn't angry at all or not I will die. Exam is coming and I have too much thing left to do. I know that I still left about few month before my SPM. But I really very frustrated about studying. I more like to find work at outside so I can earn more money for my own living.
Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2008
Today is was a very boring day. I wake up late. I goes to school by running. Today luckly me that Pei Hua and Jit Han didn't go to the Taekwondo Training class. I really scare that both of them came to the Taekwondo Training Class. Jit Han always bother me when I was busying doing something. I can't understand why he keep on bothering me when I was busying talking to someone. Today luckly Pei Hua didn’t came to our Taekwondo training. Shu Qi didn’t turn up to the training. I feel very boring cause I have to partner with Wei Liang because of the stupid Yen han told me too. One thing that I feel very funny is today I same with Yeong Joo scolding Arther Neo Jun Chen. I think he is very stupid until didn' t know what thing to say when we were having Taekwondo Club Meeting. Today Sze Yin and Fei Yee came to my house. I help Fei Yee to register a email add and friendster. She told me her password for the msn and friendster.
Today I , Jing Yu and Alvin Tok were playing with the dry ais together. It was quite fun before the explotion happen at the girl toilet there. I got scare so did Jing Yu and Alvin Tok.
Posted on Thursday, May 01, 2008
Today is labour day and I was surpose to be resting at home and wasting my time playing game. But I today have to wake up early because I have to attend the Jamuan Koperasi. Actually I was going to hang out with my friends that is Sze Yin but I choose to go to the Jamuan Koperasi. I hope it doesn't bored as I have already choose to go to the Jamuan Koperasi. I arrive at Danga Bay about 11:00am. I feel very bored sitting alone inside the bus. While I was sitting inside the bus I hear xxx keep saying about my bad thing. I really hate that xxx but nobody know about it. When arrive at there I didn't go inside the Danga Palace. I keep standing outside and chatting with David Tan in my handphone. Pei Ling keep coming out to welcome me go inside the Restorans but I just scare and hate to go inside the Restoran as there were somebody I hate so much was inside the Restoran. Actually I have feel very sad and I nearly want to burst out my tear for some nonsence reasons but after hearing what David Tan have console me so I decide to go into the Restoran. We finishing eating about 1:20pm it was still early as we surpose to finish at 2:00pm so we decide to take a walk at Danga Bay as I already never been to Danga Bay since 3years ago. All of my friendster go the FUn Fair there to play game except me who didn't feel like playing at all after what xxx say about me. I arrive at school about 2:30pm. I straight went to Giant to find my mother and father. I saw Swee Kee and Qing Yu were at the Giant too so we decide to go to the Restoran KS for a drink then only we went back to Giant for a walk. We walk at the giant about half an hour before Sze Yin turn up. Then we take cab to go to my house. Sze Yin go to my house. I sign up MSN and friendster for her. I got her msn and friendster password. What a good chance to see her private things when she was not around. She went back home about 8:30pm. Is her father who came and fetch her home. I actually didn't know anything about blog until I see David Tan's blog then only I signup for blog. Hope he didn't see my blog yet.